Us army headwear!!!!?

2017-06-04 7:06 am
Why can't the us army just get away with the beret and use caps similar to those of the marines or higher up us army soldiers? The berets doesn't make them looo intemedating like the marines with their cap over their eyes etc. In my opinion the beret should only be used by special units such as special forces and airborne. Please tell me on what you guys think and if they should change it or any other comments since I'm interested in this topic, thank you. I listed a picture below on what should be given to all army soldiers instead of the beret.

回答 (1)

2017-06-04 7:22 am
The different colour beret's throughout every Army in the world has a significants, and it will never be changed, the most significant for commonwealth Army's is the sandy coloured beret of the SAS. it's their prized possession, and as someone else said, try to take it away from the Green beret's and see what happens.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:29:08
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