I ate something?

2017-06-04 5:54 am
Sorry the question sounded weird, anyway it's a guy at work that really likes me, he's 23 and I'm only 16. I like him to to be honest. (Were in the US) anyway he likes me sexually too. Anyway he came to work as it was my time to be getting off. He said he had made food that was in his car and he wanted me to try it and that he likes baking and wants peoples opinions. Its like some type of bread with filling. I ate it and it was VERY chewy. I'm just hoping it wasn't a bad idea.

回答 (1)

2017-06-04 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to back off. That's how pimps work. Next thing you know he's selling you to strangers.

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