Why do atheists choose to die of diseases when they could just pray and lay on hands for healing?

2017-06-03 10:53 pm
It is just mind bobbling

回答 (107)

2017-06-03 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mind bobbling indeed.

God fixed the cataracts of Sam's mum.

2017-06-04 1:09 am
So you are saying that christians that pray don't die of cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes or any other diseases.
Very interesting - funny that the medical community around the world doesn't agree.
2017-06-04 9:16 am
so you think god heals people huh?? why didnt he heal my father from cancer even though we PRAYED for his recovery
2017-06-03 11:14 pm
We use doctors and medicine.

Seems to me it's religitards who are killing people by trying to faith heal preventable diseases.

2017-06-03 11:44 pm
I know someone who prayed on a regular basis, & died of cancer...
2017-06-03 10:57 pm
If laying on hands worked we wouldn't have hospitals. Think about it.
2017-06-03 11:01 pm
So, only atheists die of diseases? Which religious liar are you listening to?
2017-06-05 5:14 am
There is no such thing as magic healings
2017-06-05 4:02 am
There were more diseased and plagues 1000 years ago than there are today BECAUSE we stopped praying and started to study.
2017-06-05 8:04 am
Outside of Portland, OR, there is a cult calling themselves "the Followers of Christ". They hold tightly to beliefs such as yours. Their graveyard has dozens of infants and teens buried in it.

Many of those children died of treatable diseases because of their parents' religious beliefs. The church members are not allowed to use modern medicine under threat of being shunned.

In 2008 a 15 month old girl died of pneumonia. A few months later a 16 year old boy died from a bladder blockage. Another case involved the growth of a tumor behind her eye that almost blinded her. In that case the state stepped in and took her for medical treatment.

This is one small cult, less than 2000 members between Oregon and an Oklahoma compound. There are scores of other, similar, cults across the country, If you have so strong a faith in "laying on of hands" for healing the next illness you have may well be your last.
2017-06-04 7:10 pm
Hmm. Good idea. Eschew modern medicine and just pray for your sick grandfather? I know which alternative I would take, thanks.
2017-06-04 1:01 am
It is surprising that if only atheists die of diseases there are so many Christians in the cemetery and Christian denominations have funeral liturgies. Just saying.
2017-06-04 4:18 pm
why do Atheist , "CHOOSE" to die of Disease , when they "COULD" just "PRAY" and Lay on hands foe Healing ?

CHOOSE to make a decision or to select one of TWO or more possibilities or alternatives as being the BEST or most appropriate for that individual

COULD the past tense of can .... so that is why Republicans are against HEALTH Care and health Insurance .......is that covered under the republican Health plan .. PRAYING and laying on hands ......

... My Aunt died in a Car accident , Guess she CHOOSE that like the other 40,000 a year in the USA on average actually from January 1st 2017 to today June 4th 2017 these are the following stats deaths related to

TOBACCO 147,787
OBESITY 129,641
ALCOHOL 42,225
SUICIDE 18,062
STRUCK by LIGHTENING 35 ( Must of stopped worshiping THOR ) .

STROKE 56, 207..

and Trump would have one believe that Murder was the biggest killer

Homicide 7,094

the FLU /Pneumonia 23,322
2017-06-04 4:11 am
The reason I don't pray is because I have a really bad knee and faith healing isn't covered by my insurance.
2017-06-05 5:48 am
Wish life was that simple, Piggy, there'd be no need for hospitals and yet a lot of them were founded by religions. How do you account for that?
2017-06-05 6:32 pm
Stop lying and wasting our time.
2017-06-03 10:55 pm
A kid at my church came down with SIDS for a couple weeks and we prayed and god healed him
2017-06-03 11:23 pm
Jesus looked like this
2017-06-05 6:53 pm
We are all going to die one day, whether or not we pray. If curing disease was as easy as you imagine, doctors and nurses would be redundant.
2017-06-04 10:31 pm
Mind `Bobbling is serious, I think you need to see a doctor.
2017-06-03 11:03 pm
So many hospitals, so few righteous men.
2017-06-05 4:38 pm
more Christian than atheists die of diseases simply because there are many more Christians. Praying is n hoping, wishing and begging. You forgot about the big plan of your god, and you thin you god will change his plan because you try to tell him to do so in a prayer? :LOL!:
2017-06-04 12:42 am
Nothing seems spiritual if you don't regard it seriously, so it won't work. And that's selfish; turning to God when in desperation without even thinking about him all their life
2017-06-04 12:02 am
I have asked lots that had Believed in GOD and stopped - Why? All had very lazy reasons. Wanting to stop being responsible!
At the end of the Kosher Commandments in the Bible, it states that IF one sticks to this diet, they are Not likely to ever get sick! Yet how many are still obeying these?
2017-06-03 11:15 pm
Another reason why atheism is such a bad decision, dear. It does not heal. It is spiritual suicide and the medicine that one needs isn't pointless rebellion. It's God and the Light He brings to our lives. Atheists want the darkness because they enjoy the misery Satan has bestowed upon them. Life's about choices and like all choices, we can say no to atheism.
2017-06-04 10:35 pm
Because atheists are spiritually blind.
參考: I'm a proud and devout Christian
2017-06-06 2:50 am
Wow. you are so unbelievably brainwashed by your society and religion that you are now implying that praying to some imaginary being will cure you from any disease. Are you trying to say that no one who has prayed has ever died from disease? idiot.
2017-06-05 10:18 pm
Oh look, another lightweight lashing out! How cute!
2017-06-05 1:13 pm
Ah ****, so all that cancer 'God' bestowed on young innocent children as an omni-benelovent power couldn't just be prayeaway??!! Why put it there in the first place?! What a ****
2017-06-05 1:35 am

can't tell which side ur trolling but I like it
2017-06-04 10:52 pm
Because praying and the laying of hands doesn't work for anyone.
2017-06-04 9:59 pm
I tried to get a laying on of hands but the ho wanted too much money!!!
Had to take the matter into my own hands......
2017-06-04 1:57 pm
People don't choose to die of disease.. Regardless if u pray or not or u devote ur whole life to a god. We r not eternal and we will die despite all praying.
2017-06-04 12:15 am
No, you mean mind boggling.
2017-06-04 2:21 am
2017-06-05 12:39 am
Because praying alone can't do everything. They don't always choose to die of diseases. Maybe they're allergic to the cure or maybe there's no cure.

But often they don't choose to. Usually they choose to have surgeries or medications and those work pretty well.

But if prayer works for you, then that's what works for you.
2017-06-04 4:01 am
I not an atheist but I chose to go to the doctor. The gift of miraculous healing was done for so the sake of letting the people know that God was no longer using the nation of Israel or Jews as his chosen people. It was a means of letting people know that now he was using the Christians of that day as his chosen people. These christians were true followers of Jesus Christ. Once the Christian congregation was established there were no need for it to continue. This group of christians were combined with Jews, Samaritans, and Gentiles ( Non-Jews) Acts 15:4
4 On arriving in Jerusalem, they were kindly received by the congregation and the apostles and the elders, and they related the many things God had done by means of them....Acts 15:14
14 Symʹe·on+ has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.+

During the first century, miraculous healings were performed by Jesus Christ and his apostles. At that time in Christian history, the gifts of the spirit, including the ability to perform healings, were for the glory of God and were a sign of Jehovah’s approval and blessing on the young Christian congregation. But once mature or fully established, rather than pointing to special gifts, the Christian congregation would point to its display of unswerving faith, hope, and love as evidence of God’s approval. (John 13:35; 1 Corinthians 13:13) Thus, about the year 100 C.E., miraculous healings as a mark of God’s favor ceased.*
1 Corinthians 13:13
13 Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love.+
2017-06-04 1:17 am
Piggy! Long time no hear..welcome back with all your nonsense. Love mind bobbling...wonderful..it's niggling sweetie.

It must be great to be you, believing everything your pastor tells you. I wish getting cured was that simple but who am I to burst your bubble...or should it be bobble....Love and fishes.
2017-06-07 12:13 am
Its mind bobbling why faith healers aren't working in hospitals. Maybe it's like psychics not playing the lottery.
2017-06-06 2:11 am
All the Praying in the world is not going to take away your stupidity, sadly

You'll still be a complete retard when you wake up in the morning, sorry to burst your bubble.

Praying isn't going to "cure" any disease


MEDICINE, doctors, and SCIENCE help cure diseases

Praying just gives people FALSE HOPE, and a CRUTCH to lean on

My dad was a devout Christian prayed a lot while he was sick, and still died from pneumonia

you probably one of those retards that believe vaccines cause Autism too. Despite the fact that the ONE study that showed a link was DEBUNKED BY SEVERAL OTHER STUDIES and the guy who found the link used falsified data
參考: THE AUTISM...NO THE DOWN SYNDROME is strong with the OP
2017-06-06 12:12 am
you are asking them to change religions
gudt gluck
2017-06-05 8:06 pm
I've listened to several people who have claimed that either they or a loved one have managed to overcome some kind of major affliction or terminal illness through the use of 'prayer', 'annointing with oil' and 'laying on of hands'.

They all have one thing in common - no proof that the affliction/illness ever actually existed.
2017-06-05 8:00 pm
Because atheists have a prideful nature so they would rather die from disease than admit God exists.
Fact - No Christian has ever died from a disease becasue every Christian who ever got a disease was healed by prayer.
2017-06-05 7:41 pm
Lol praying does squat
2017-06-05 5:41 pm
Would you ONLY rather have a doctor, advanced medicine, IV bags, etc., or praying to a god that doesn't exist? Choose your option.
參考: Christians also die of diseases, too, zealot. I guess praying didn't do too well for them.
2017-06-05 11:43 am
my great grandma asked that same question to our family, then told us to leave because she was going to pray. a week later she died. fat lot of good that did her
2017-06-05 5:19 am
viral forensic anthropology into viral diseases
history seems to say religion and religious "dogma" held complete power over man, government and society, for about 1500-years, or more.
prayer was all the common man had. religions use magic and magic thinking;but if prayer worked, then religions would not need "charity". people could fulfill their own lives instead.
after, being freed from the oppression of religion, science developed, and people like louis pasteur discovered bacteria as the cause of disease.
today, a realtivly new science, viral forensic anthropology is searching the past for clues into viral diseases origins in order to relieve suffering.
they are in to the original roots of syphilis,bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and septicemic plague, influenza; and the common cold.
western medical science can cure diseases.
2017-06-05 4:35 am
I got something for you to lay your hands on...
2017-06-04 11:45 pm
2017-06-04 10:00 pm
so why do christians clog up the national health service then ?
2017-06-04 1:06 pm
Are you atheist or Christian? Because this sounds already process, tongue in cheek, just for the sake of attention...or...you're really a troll. A third of people will walk off without a clue that you just gave them HIV.
2017-06-04 7:09 am
If it were that simple we wouldn't need doctors or hospitals. All we would need is a few thousand healers and hey presto, no more illnesses. There is NO evidence that faith healers could provide 100% healing on request. Some people are not healed even after laying on of hands. The answer to prayer is not always "yes, immediately, whatever you want".

Matthew Ch 13:58 says "He didn't do many mighty works there because of their unbelief." Where people do not believe, miracles may not happen.
2017-06-04 2:19 am
Why not pray to Mighty Mouse instead of your make believe God.
2017-06-04 12:44 am
How fitting that this question was posted in the "Travel/Italy/Bologna" section.
2017-06-04 12:17 am
God doesn't heal people, doctors do.
2017-06-05 4:53 pm
We actually have a lower mortality rate because we use science and medicine to cure us. We don't use silly a$$ stupistition.
2017-06-05 4:32 pm
Not ALL atheists get dieases. Don't be so ******* ignorant. (Sorry. I get all pissed when people say stuff about atheists, my ex bf is one and I love him)
2017-06-04 11:44 am
2017-06-04 10:29 am
You don't get out much do you!
2017-06-04 5:00 am
Faith healing was only done by Christ and the apostles in the first century ONLY. The Bible explains that all those miracles "ceased", see 1 Corinthians 13:8.

Today, there is no medical evidence that supports such a claim that pastors can heal.

Jesus warned us that many will say that they have God's spirit by "performing powerful works" or Miracles, but they would not come from God:

He said: "Be on the watch for the false prophets . . . Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works [miracles] in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.” Matthew 7:15, 21-23.
2017-06-04 2:27 am
Which century do you live in? Only the most stupid Christian would not go to the doctors if ill.
2017-06-05 10:43 pm
If by "hands for healing," you're referring to the Miracle of Modern Science, I'm pretty sure they do. I'd just imagine it's a really mundane death for them. Just sorta like, "I'm dying right now and it's, like, really boring right now. Oh yeah, let me analyze this DMT and why I should do everything in my power to not consider this a spiritual experience, right now."
2017-06-03 11:49 pm
christians die of just the same diseases as atheists
2017-06-04 8:59 pm
Because both Atheists and Christianity are both crocks of shite.
2017-06-03 10:57 pm
Don't worry, one day every knee will bow and they will be cast into hell with all other evil people
2017-06-07 11:32 am
i dunno, it seems like they're more afraid of you placing they're hand on them then they are dying. when they could be healed but choose not to? sometimes they will even deny the spirit when you heal them?
2017-06-07 1:15 am
2017-06-06 8:53 pm
Some people do pray but still die, how can you explain that?
2017-06-06 5:00 pm
I think you mean 'mind boggling'...
2017-06-06 3:03 pm
medicine has proven to be more effective than prayers
2017-06-06 8:35 am
Take your hand... and smack yourself in the face.
2017-06-06 2:38 am
2017-06-05 11:22 pm
Everyone has the ability to choose where they are going to place their trust. Some choose to put it into Doctors, Scientific professionals, and modern medicine, while others put theirs in God and His miracles. It wouldn’t be right for the christians to force atheists to rely on prayer, just as it wouldn’t be right for atheists to deny christians of their worship when they believe it will help. As I said, everyone can pick where they stand.
2017-06-05 10:42 pm
I think everyone took this too seriously. The guy is sarcastic
2017-06-05 9:57 pm
You are deceived if you think that Christians don't die of diseases. No matter what healing one experiences in the body whilst we live on this earth either through Doctors or the "laying on of hands" one day the body has to give up and die and it's usually disease which causes it in the end - whether the heart gives out or whatever - it's very rarely natural causes in this day and age.
2017-06-05 8:06 pm
Saw a program last night in a religious leader told a wife she would live and then she died,Husband confronted him (husband didn't want her talking to religious leader in first place).
2017-06-05 7:28 pm
Because Christianity and all other religions are f4cked up and backwards. If you need help, go and see a frickking doctor. Praying will NOT work. Whoever does that deserves to get hit by a bus. Christianity isn't a religion, it is a bunch of crazies believing in a bunch of horsecrap... so yeah... religion DOESN'T cure people, DOCTORS DO.
2017-06-05 11:00 am
Because, praying won't help you at all, you may think it helps but it doesn't I learned that the hard way and I'm now an atheist. My parents both had cancer and I prayed it would go away and it didn't. They ended up giving me to my grandparents so they could leave for a hospital to stay and they last 23 days and ended up dying.
2017-06-05 10:49 am
There is no special treatment for christians. In this reality we all have the risks of suffering diseases and gruesome deaths.
2017-06-05 9:58 am
2017-06-05 8:06 am
i guess the same reazon bewievers get health insurance
2017-06-04 7:03 pm
Do you know what an atheist is? Atheist's don't believe in " God" so if they don't believe then there is really no point in praying. Plus we have doctors and medicine to cure your disease
2017-06-04 5:07 pm
Just too funny. Christians never die? They just pray and lay on hands and everything is OK. *rolls eyes*
2017-06-04 2:11 pm
They don't believe in any divine beings.
2017-06-04 1:39 pm
My Christian mother died from multiple strokes. My Christian father dies from myocardial infarction (heart attack). Prayer didn't keep them alive, though modern medicines kept them comfortable for a good long while.
2017-06-04 10:55 am
You must be very young.
2017-06-04 10:04 am
Fool. Disease is part of life. Birth, age, disease, death. Everyone goes through it unless you are murdered or hit by a bus.
2017-06-04 7:57 am
Prayer has no effect on a medical situation, whatsoever. If miracles occurred, they could be studied; probably not explained, but definitely witnessed and identified as such. When the majority of people beat a disease with a high rate of fatalities and overcome it, they thank God for it. Most of the time they don't even acknowledge the people in the medical field. Put it this way; if you found out you had cancer today and could either be prayed for or seek medical attention, which would you do; if you only had one choice, I mean? If you say you'd choose prayer, you're a moron, and in the months to come, you'd be a DEAD moron. And good riddance.
2017-06-04 4:45 am
That laying on of hands was something that seemed to have been a gift with some of the apostles, it was a sign that gods favour had moved from the Jews, it was temporary until the Christian congregation became established, no one had that power today!
2017-06-04 3:25 am
Actually, we choose to go to a hospital and fix the problem
2017-06-04 2:50 am
That wouldn't help.
2017-06-04 2:22 am
Having read your profile, it seems possible you're not a troll.
That's scary.
2017-06-04 12:54 am
Why get an anti virus for your computer, when you can get an exorcist?
2017-06-04 12:48 am
Because we can't just pray and lay on hands for healing. And neither can you, Pig.
2017-06-04 12:37 am
You know, they dont just choose to die of disease
2017-06-05 10:33 pm
Because every devotee was healed when they prayed.
2017-06-05 12:20 pm
As a muslim i believe christianity is a punching bag for athiests for such foolishness displayed. Come debate Islamists. No one practises christianity anymore.
2017-06-05 12:56 am
Its boggled taken from a game called boggle its a bunch of words on a board so its mind boggling. Bad attempt at a troll try harder
2017-06-04 10:16 pm
Because for some atheists it would mean they are not the most important thing in the universe and I am not atheist and know that God loves me and if there is no belief in God I fear for them when they pass away at the end of their lives because wondering if God will help them if they did do anything to help others in their lives and sad for those who choose this course.

Perhaps God would let them live again in another life if they were sorry for their mistakes that outweighed the damage they do rather then helping.
2017-06-04 9:25 pm
666 The antichrist.
2017-06-04 2:07 pm
1. email god

2. text god

3. google god / god on facebook.
2017-06-03 11:24 pm
Because they don't believe like we do. Would you pray to allah to heal you when you don't believe in allah. They either don't know or don't accept the gospel
2017-06-05 10:34 pm
Because they're atheists.
2017-06-04 8:51 pm
I'm a Christian. God gave us doctors and medicine, which are the answers to prayers.
2017-06-04 8:05 am
God enabled us to have doctors, and we need to use them. Prayer is not magic, it is recognition of God's power/majesty, acknowledgement of our dependence on Him, and admission of our need for His grace and power. Belief is necesary to do that, and athiests, God help  them, do not believe in God. It is indeed mind-boGGllng
2017-06-03 11:25 pm
Yes, it bobbles my mind.
2017-06-05 7:10 pm
When comes to death still refuse the help of religion i think this is so call stuborn

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