My dad is drunk and i need help?

2017-06-03 1:43 pm
My dad is an alcoholic and he just got divorced, plus he thinks he's been cheated on and he's depressed. He gets really emotional when he's drunk, and then he gets tired and stumbles around and runs into things and fall and gets mad. I have to baby him and deal with him every night and I get scared sometimes, and now my friend is spending the night and we're both scared. We want to leave, but I don't want to leave my cat behind. I know it sounds stupid but i don't want him to hurt her accidentally or something. My friend said to keep her in my car but that wouldn't work. I don't like the situation I'm in and I'm scared. He tried to get in and asked why the door was locked and I played it off like an accident. He's not mean to me when he's angry, he just gets really angry when he's drunk and does drunk things. I want to leave to my friend's house but I'm scared he'll get hurt or freak out if he wakes up and can't find me. What should I do? Please help :/ thank you!

回答 (8)

2017-06-03 1:50 pm
He is NOT your stop mothering him. He is an adult.
He will not change.
What he does when he is p*ssed is not your concern unless he hurts you.
See Alcohol Anonymous for your own therapy.
參考: Father was a violent alcoholic, and we (family)eventually left him.
2017-06-04 10:27 am
you shouldnt have to live with a drunk parent, call cps and they might move you out
2017-06-03 1:56 pm
Right now I would get your cat and live with your friend for the night, tomorrow you should start thinking what you want to say to him and maybe trying look for someone to help you and look into a rehab or something
2017-06-03 1:55 pm
Do you have a relative you can call for help? Your other choices are the police or dept. or children and families.
It is not your responsibility to baby him, take care of him or help him up when he falls or passes out.
I am sorry about the situation you are in. It is always hard to deal with a drunk, harder when you are a minor child. Good luck.
2017-06-03 1:52 pm
I think you should talk to your dad about this, and tell him your wants to leave if he doesn t stop, I wouldn t just abruptly leave him without anything, you should try to get him to get help. But er if you talk to him make sure it s before he s drunk... You shouldn t talk about this with a drunk emotional unstable guy.
2017-06-03 1:51 pm
You and your cat are better off moving away from your our dad sweetheart. I know you feel like you're obligated to keep him safe and take care of him but your not. He's a big boy and makes the decisions to get drunk every night. It's not a good environment for you and what your dad needs to do at this point is get himself together. Try and find a place to live. As of right now, either tell your dad your going to bed and you and your friend go lock yourselves in your room with the cat or just put the cat somewhere in the house your dad won't touch it, ex the garage, let it outside if it will come back. Your dad's actions are not your responsibility and their going to have a negative effect on your life like they already have started too.
2017-06-03 1:49 pm
Repeat and repeats, who is repeat this question, how many times your asking this question, any reason
2017-06-03 1:46 pm
Kick him out onto the streets. Babying someone just makes a baby.

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