Why does TRUMP insist on undoing all the GOOD things that Obama has done?

2017-06-02 1:42 pm

回答 (9)

2017-06-02 1:48 pm
He tried to explain for anyone who wanted to listen. He's the President of the USA, not Paris.
His responsibility is US citizens.
2017-06-02 2:05 pm
Obama has only done 1 good thing, to my knowledge, which was forcing the LADWP to restore the Lower Owens River. I fish the LORP all the time. Hasn't been undone. Trump is president now, not Obama. He's got different views. Do you expect Hillary to keep Trump's legacy in tact, if elected? You shouldn't. I think Trump is an idiot who can't control his mouth, but I don't blame him for getting rid of policies that don't line up with his views.
2017-06-02 1:45 pm
Um...............define " good."
2017-06-02 1:44 pm
like what?? OBAMACARE is failing. No one can afford it, Heck he poured most of our money into the MIDDLE EAST as well as building MOSQUES. FACT!
參考: Church and State???
2017-06-02 1:45 pm
2017-06-02 6:32 pm
Because they cost his wealthy mates money.
The US is the ONLY industrialised country with for proffit healthcare.
It has the poorest heath of any industrialised country.
The ACA was starting to address this.
The US has one of the worst levels of literacy in the industrialised countries.
It is on par with 3rd world countries.
They however are catching up fast.
2017-06-02 1:47 pm
That's what money and their lovers do, destroy.
2017-06-02 1:44 pm
It's all part of his plan to take America back to what it was before the prohibition. Donald Trump already signed an Executive Order that will bring Jim Crow Laws back. Donald Trump stripped women of their rights by defunding Planned Parenthood. Donald Trump signed an Executive Order to end Women's Suffrage. Donald Trump wants straight white males to be the only people in America who have any rights.
2017-06-02 1:45 pm
I lost tons of money under obama. He didn't do jack s h i t for 8 years and my life is worse off because of the things he did. And the entire movie and videogame industry went down the crapper. I wish Obama had never been born.

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