My sister in law hates me and all of a sudden is best friends with my husbands ex girlfriend who cheated on him?

2017-06-02 5:06 am
Basically my sister in law who hasn't exchanged words with me ever (she simply doesn't talk to people she considers less than her) she all of a sudden added my husbands ex who is the same nationality as they are but that's besides the fact, she HATED his ex when they were together, called her a whore and adult and then when they broke up because she admitted to cheating on him with 6 guys and got pregnant and found out it wasn't his and then she got an abortion... that's shameful and terrible to do to someone if you ask me but my husbands sister all of a sudden is so friendly with her, they hang out, she brings her around, she write on Facebook with her public posts about me, using my name, saying mean things, they've (I'm sure it's them who else would it be) have put my number(home number both my husband and I share) and faceboook photo on Craigslist's for a personal ad saying I'm basically trashy and I like "rape fantasies" I think they're crazy
I blocked them online but every time I'm at the parents house (which I go less and less now) I presented his sister and her boyfriend with a gift for Christmas (just simple coffee mugs that say "his and hers") and she didn't say anything to me, didn't acknowledge me, so I stopped trying to tell "hey girl these are for you" and she just straight up ignored me and later I saw that the mugs were in the trash with the rest of the wrapping paper from everyone else's gifts... what do I do

回答 (3)

2017-06-02 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
She is racist.
參考: Been there.
2017-06-02 6:03 am
You do nothing. Your husband needs to speak to her.
2017-06-02 8:04 am
I wouldn't take it personally. It seems that his sister doesn't think any woman is good enough for her brother, and she is willing to trash ANY female that comes within his orbit. I suspect if she was successful in getting you out by using his Ex, she'd be the next woman on her hit list.
Having said that its YOUR HUSBAND who should be the one telling HIS SISTER that her behaviour is totally unacceptable and if she doesn't pull her head in and start to behave herself around you, that she is going to lose him from her life.
You can let him know what you need from him.
As to the sister-in-law, try ignoring her rudeness. Try killing her with kindness. That way if it all comes out there will be NOTHING she can truthfully say about you that is bad.

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