What is the best type of car/brand for an 18 year old?

2017-06-01 9:51 am
So I'm heading to college this August, and I didn't know how to drive (which I will need to know), so I'm learning to drive right now, but need a car in order to get my license. What are some suggestions on what type of car I should get?

回答 (4)

2017-06-01 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
dealers won't let you buy a car without a license. and only an idiot will sell there's to someone without a license. ask family and friends to teach you to drive until you take your test at the DMV.

then, when you buy your first car, Honda or Toyota's are good for first timers. they're reliable, and get great gas mileage. you can find used ones for 50,000 miles up to 100,000, and it could still be in good shape. of course, depending on the history of the car.
2017-06-01 10:06 am
Army tank
2017-06-01 9:58 am
a) If you're going to live on campus, make sure the college allows you to have a vehicle. Many colleges and universities prohibit freshmen and sophomores from keeping a car on campus.

b) Do an internet search for the cheapest cars to insure for teens. That means they are statistically safest. Stick with the Jap brands that turn up in your search. They are usually tops in reliability and cheapest to repair. My guess is an Accord or Camry.
2017-06-03 7:08 am
Mazda Miata

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