Please help, I can’t catch the reasons of the following sentences, any help would be much appreciated.?

2017-06-01 9:20 am
Here in Taiwan, I was told by a Chinese-American that the first sentence is wrong, and the second and third are right, but I can’t catch the sense.
What other facilities do your hotel have ? (X)
What other facilities does your hotel have ? (O)
What other facilities are there in your hotel? (O)

回答 (3)

2017-06-01 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are asking about the facilities that are possessed by the hotel so the verb takes the form of the singular hotel.
For the third one, you are asking about the facilities, that just happen to be in the hotel, so the verb is of the facilities.

I think at least, but it might just be another English rule.
2017-06-01 9:58 am
1st and 3rd are correct.
2017-06-01 9:25 am
What other facilities do your hotel have ? (X)
What other facilities does your hotel have ? (0)
Facilities, and does are both plural .
Do is singular .

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