pain is of great evolutionary advantage. It means don't tough that hot stove again because it will hurt. If you didn't feel pain, you might burn your fingers off. Literally.
People who are incapable of experiencing pain have usually a lot of health problems. Even something like not going to the dentist despite having a major tooth infection because you don't feel pain is bad for survival.
You can debate whether we need to postulate a god who created evolution of whether evolution did it as a process, that depends on your philosophical preferences. But there is no doubt that pain is incredibly useful for survival.
I think pain makes our souls more pure and makes us evolve into better people, so its useful in a way. but once we get to Heaven there is no pain there.
Pain can be a blessing. It keeps you from destroying your body by fire, etc. From great pain or suffering comes great heroes. Pain can be for you if it makes you stop one activity and turn to another which is for you, not against you.
James 1:13. The angels in heaven have never suffered pain. Because of inherited Adamic sin we suffer maladies but JEHOVAH promises to rid suffering of all kinds in His new world on a paradise earth shortly-Rom 5:12;Rev 21:1,3-5
參考: What Does the Bible Really Teach? chps 3,8,11
Did Jesus go around making people sick or inflicting pain on them?
Pain is the result of the corruption of good.
Is it evil to want to be healthy? If God wanted you to be sick or in pain, then you'd better NOT try to get well... cuz that would be going against His will, right?
Jesus' suffering on the cross means the payment was made for all sin for all time. By His wounds we have been healed. But you must believe this to receive it. You must know it in your heart.
You have posted a lie. It is propaganda sourced from Satan.... and you are propagating it. Tell a lie often enough and you will end up believing it. Why are you working for Satan? What has he done for you except ruin your life?