Should Kathy Griffith be indicted for life thret to Trump,and put an end to this nonsense.?

2017-05-31 8:50 pm
Madona that other nut case also threatened to blow up the White House.

回答 (8)

2017-05-31 8:52 pm
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The Secret Service and the courts should make an example out of her for all of the sore losers to see.
2017-05-31 8:53 pm
They are both (Griffith and Madonna) just bandwagon hasbeens trying to seem relevant . I'm actually surprised that they are still alive.
2017-05-31 8:56 pm
Kathy is not a favorite, but she's 5'4'' and 120 lbs. At 56 she's no threat to a secret service agent. Madonna couldn't figure out which end of fuse to light, she's not bombing anything. They're entertainers. Like Trump is, you don't take everything they say seriously.
2017-05-31 9:12 pm
BOTH should be openly and actively investigated, just like any other crackpot who would do such a thing. If I wrote an email to the president threatening his death, I would have FBI greeting me when I got home after work.

Doesn't matter WHO the President IS -- these actions promote TREASONABLE offenses.
2017-05-31 8:51 pm
No. stop giving her the attention she doesn't deserve.
2017-05-31 8:51 pm
Stay in school, Virgil. Preferable one run by someone other than your mom.
2017-05-31 9:04 pm
Nope. The only ones paying attention to those two uber-tards are leftists themselves.
2017-05-31 8:56 pm
Only if those who did the same thing to Obama have already been prosecuted.

The secret service detains "credible threats", and since they was no actual assassination plan, they (rightfully) took no action.

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