Anti-LGB users: what is the strongest anti-homosexuality argument you have?

2017-05-31 7:22 pm
Due to my principles, I am required to do an unbiased research on homosexuality. However, I couldn't read through a single article I found on anti-LGB arguments without cringing, because they were so bad I couldn't even consider them (that isn't usually the case, I can consider plausive arguments for instances I am against). So if each of you could tell me your single strongest argument, that would be super =)
Note: if you guys decide to have debates over your points, please keep it civilised. It's hard to take either side seriously when they can't talk for two minutes without insulting someone.

Now that I think about it, I *might* comment counter points under your answers, but that's not for the purpose of invalidating your points or attacking you. I just want to understand your points if I think they're not entirely correct. So please let's all be civilised and give me your best points =P (I won't comment until tomorrow though, it's evening for me)

回答 (7)

2017-05-31 11:13 pm
None that are rational.
2017-05-31 8:40 pm
The Sky God will smite me, burn my house down, devalue the dollar & curse my future offspring FOREVER--- unless I agree to abuse others.
參考: Plus I'm scared of eternal tickling & hair pulling. Sorry! :(
2017-05-31 7:37 pm
Its trendy to be lgbt nowadays.
參考: Lesbian woman
2017-05-31 8:48 pm
erm, did you cringe because the arguments were for or against? It's not very clear in your question.....
2017-05-31 7:58 pm
The ''strongest''anti gay arguments are just hyperbole nonsense edgelords often talk about.
2017-06-01 12:14 am
They want to force normal people to accept their perversions. They can't keep it for the privacy of their own homes, they seem to need to force it down our throats..they kiss and fondle in public even though they know many people are offended by this.
2017-06-02 6:20 am
There is what some call the "Universal Maxim of Morality".
The Universal maxim of morality requires the answering of one question and that question is:
"What would happen if everybody did it?"
Kant's test of the Universal maxim makes for good reading on many issues facing society. It would be well if you read or studied that and applied the concepts to what ever issue you are wanting to answer or address.
To make cut to the answer-
According to the universal maxim of morality (if everybody did it would be the results), homosexuality fails. A totally homosexual society can not last longer then a single generation with out outside interference.
Given the desires of the elite intellectuals who want to see a major decline in the population of the earth, it is not surprising they claim it is natural.
Please take some time to study societies in the past that elevated homosexual practices to being the ideal relationship. They did exist. Both Rome and the ancient Greeks idealized homosexual love at the peak of their periods. Both societies suffered a decline in population and the biggest hit was in the socially elites. This decline in population of the upper middle and lower upper classes are sited as reasons for the fall of both cultures.
The US is just following the same course of intellectualism that proceeded the fall of other great societies of history.
It is part of a cycle of civilization- it is just the down side of former greatness when the pursuit of pleasure is the only thing perceived by a society as worth pursuing.
So it homosexuality issue is just a symptom of a failing society, the society will still fail even if homosexuality was not glamorized as it is now.
We need to fix the core problem, and just the correct stand on homosexuality will not correct the primary failure course we are not on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:30:12
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