請問,我想問在 加拿大註冊結婚應該怎樣辦手續? 我是香港護照,另一方是加拿大護照,我們只想在加拿大簡單簽署結婚。 但我有過一段婚姻已離婚很久,有仔,但他已經二十幾歲了! 其實我要準備什麼文件? 需要婚姻記錄證明, 無犯罪證明嗎??還有甚麼文件等等!?

2017-05-31 4:20 pm

回答 (1)

2017-06-01 5:15 am
1. It depends on the province.

See here for an example of British Columbia:


2. Marriage record - maybe. Criminal record - no, and you can't get it anyway.

3. Unable to answer without further detail.

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