Help with PC parts?

2017-05-31 6:22 am

回答 (3)

2017-05-31 6:23 am
No one is going to try to sort through this jumbled mess
2017-05-31 6:25 am
You know, this would be much easier if you used PCPartpicker instead of giving us a bunch of links.

At the very least, you should have spaced things out to make it easier to read.

Try again.
2017-05-31 6:30 am
You have the same link for the motherboard and RAM, so just make sure the RAM is DDR4. That's the best GPU option for that price.

I recommend getting a B350 motherboard and Ryzen 5 1500X CPU instead of the Z170/6600K though.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:43:48
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