求救英文高手~~~ S+Vt+O+C??,C不是選形容詞嗎?? adv可以修飾名詞子句嗎?

2017-05-30 10:56 pm
請問這句 的" "中為何要選adv,而不是adj,從五大句型來看不是
We found the book "right" where Alfred said it would be.

回答 (3)

2017-05-31 12:08 am
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We found the book "right" where Alfred said it would be.
= We found the book "at the exact location" where Alfred said it would be.
我們在 Alfred 說的地方找到這本書。

這個句型沒有補語,只是單純的 S+Vt+O 而已。句子到 We found the book 就可以結束了。right 不是補語,是表示地方的副詞,等於介係詞片語 at the exact location (正好在那個地方),後面 where Alfred said it would be 就是修飾句子裡隱含的 location。
2017-05-31 10:28 am
Do you know where the book is?關係子句當作動詞know的受詞。用「帶先行詞的關係副詞」帶出來(where = the place where)。
Do you know who he is?關係子句用「帶先行詞的關係代名詞」帶出來(who= the person who)。

即:We found the book exactly at the place where Alfred it would be.
2017-05-31 2:39 am
We found the book;
right=adv. straight directly, at once, without any delay;adv to "found"
where Alfred said it were=it was right there;Or it was right proper.=an adverb clause.=where Alfred said it would be.

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