Do I have too many talents?

2017-05-30 10:58 am
So I've been playing piano since I was 5 (sometimes I even write my own music). I've been doing gymnastics competitivly from ages 6 to 11 and I still know how to do everything. I've also been doing competitive dance and cheerleading since I was 6 and I'm 15 now. Ive also taken vocal lessons since age 6 and ive been in little community theater productions since I was 5. I also speak fluent French cause my mom is French and she wanted me to learn it at a young age and also my cousins speak no English at all so I need it for when I visit them. Is this too much?

回答 (6)

2017-05-30 12:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Unless you are worn out from doing all this and need more breaks to stay healthy, being involved in many things like you are is awesome and you should keep up your hard work. This is very impressive, and many people would love to be able to have all this going for them especially at your age.
2017-06-01 11:36 pm
The one talent you have not honed well is that of writing good standard English.
2017-05-30 12:55 pm
It doesn't sound like sex is on that list, so yes, you are a huge nerd. #FidgetSpinnersOrDie
2017-06-01 1:08 pm
Not too many talents, but not enough opportunities to be a child, maybe. You sound way over-scheduled.
2017-05-30 8:48 pm
I have more talents than you and i still want more.
2017-05-30 11:12 am
Too much for what exactly?
Unless you are feeling over scheduled and over whelmed I dont think there is a problem.

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