請問不犯錯誤可以用make no mistake嗎 還是一定要用make no mistakes?

2017-05-30 7:26 am

回答 (2)

2017-05-30 8:31 am
Can not make mistakes
2017-07-13 9:06 am
1. 純就你的中文”不犯錯誤”簡單合理一點的答案應是make no mistake,雖然make no mistakes 沒有文法上問題,但通常用於有較深層意義。
2. make a mistake及make no mistake 用的很普遍,而make no mistakes 也是有,但語意較深。
3. 查YAHOO 字典
Susan seems very quiet, but make no mistake (about it), she has a terrible temper!
4. 查Cambridge Dictionary
Make no mistake, this decision is going to cause you a lot of problems.
5. 查Longman Dictionary
The lab must have made a mistake – this can’t be right.
6. make mistakes 用於主詞為複數時很合理
5 → we all make mistakes – Longman Dictionary.
7. make no mistakes
(1). The person who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything" . 句意為不經多次錯誤,無法得到足夠經驗而成功
(2). If God makes no mistakes, then how do you explain Satan?
以上兩句抄自Yahoo – International – US
不慎閒逛至此,類似英文問題,建議可丟至:社會與文化 – 語言,那有不少比我強太多的英文高手。

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