How unable are ppl with mental disorders (like BPD) to live normal lives?

2017-05-30 12:12 am
My husband has Borderline Personality disorder. He claims he has frequent head problems and pains and therefore is not able to go out often like normal marriages do, or is sometimes not interested in engaging in any type of activity with me (including sex). Truly, I feel super deprived in all departments when it comes to our relationship. the most we do together is watch netflix while he paints his minitatures. ive tried talking about it with him, but he gets angry that i have these thoughts. he always says that nothing is good enough for me. we go out to each maybe once every four months if im lucky. we have sex maybe once every three or four weeks (and thats declining). he says that he washes the dishes, and cleans around the house as prove that he is trying. on the occassion, we talk about stuff, which is another form of trying for us according to him. am i in the wrong? i honestly don't know.

i am 23, fyi, and he is 36.

回答 (2)

2017-05-30 12:43 am
If your husband is currently seeing a therapist for this disorder you should ask his therapist if you could attend his next session, otherwise I would look into couples counseling so you can discuss how you are feeling.
2017-05-30 12:31 am
I hang out with a person (female) that has been diagnosed with BPD. The reason why she wasn't diagnosed with OCD is even though she is seriously organized and must stick to a routine, she isn't overly compulsive. There are other qualities that may or may not be related to BPD. She lives just fine in society. She lives a stressful life full of anxiety, but medication helps her out.

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