諗住係cheapticket 度買去英國的機票, 第一次上網買機票 1) 係咪按確定比錢,入完信用卡資料就得? 錢係信用卡戶口扣,自己還返錢比銀行就得? 2) 劃位問題,買完上航空公司網劃位? 如果吾係係點? 3) 咩係機票有效期? 我點樣知? 希望大家答得詳細d!?

2017-05-29 4:37 pm

回答 (1)

2017-05-30 2:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes. Yes.

2. Yes, if allowed (some airlines restrict seat assignment based on fares).

3. A ticket must be fully used before expired. Check with the place you book the ticket. Usually it is not a matter as soon as you are confident that you will not change the ticket.

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