How do I ask my family for birth control?

2017-05-29 4:51 am
I m 16 and will be 17 next month. I have a very heavy painful menstral cycle and have been considering taking birth control to stop my period from coming. I do not know how to approach my parents about getting them without them freaking out . Any advice?

回答 (16)

2017-05-29 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's not just about your parents potentially freaking out about whether or not this means you're sexually active - most parents will accept their child may have sex so needs protection, and doctors can advocate for you by talking to your parents for you if needed - if your parents have even the most basic understanding of menstrual health and hormonal birth control then they will also be concerned about why you're unnecessarily risking hormonal birth control instead of treating your menstrual health problems.

Stopping your menstrual cycles is not healthy, in fact in teens it's a far greater issue as it cuts off a vital sign and limited body literacy, as well as side-effects and risks of hormonal birth control in general there are higher risks in teens such as long-term risk of loss of sex drive, higher risk of depression, and the risk to bone health too. Bare in mind all this is to stop your period, why stop your period? You're supposed to menstruate, it is a normal and healthy part of being a female - if you have painful menstruation or menstrual cycles then that's a sign of an underlying condition so you're also planning on leaving a health problem untreated.

It's your parents job to care for you until you're mature enough to care for yourself - thus you talk to them by ensuring you're making an educated choice so you can discuss all these issues with them like an adult. You ask them if you can talk about something and go from there: 'I'd like to use birth control, and this is why...' - ideally by this point you've also talked to your doctor about why you're opting for birth control, specifically menstrual suppression which carries higher risks, instead of treating your health issues and your doctor will explain the risks so you can then explain to your parents or ask your doctor to talk to them.

5 Facts About Menstrual Suppression -
Why Young Teens Need Real Periods, Not The Pill -
2017-05-29 5:23 am
you don't need to have a family discussion about starting birth control pills, just go to the doctor by yourself and discuss options with her, after you have started taking the pill it would be best to have a quiet word with your mother to let her know why you are taking pills - otherwise she might think her daughter has turned into a druggie
2017-05-29 7:24 am
You're skipping a step. You don't need to ask your family about starting birth control, you need to tell them you want to see a doctor about your heavy periods. If it's likely that birth control will help, that's what the doctor will suggest. And if it comes from the doctor, it won't sound as an excuse for sex.
2017-05-29 7:26 am
Tell mom you need to see a doc for a womens problem
2017-05-31 6:12 pm
Our now 24 year old daughter started on birth control at age 14 for a similar reason. I had no problem with it at all and was glad it was able to help her.

They won't stop your periods but likely will make them lighter.

Your doctor may be able to suggest it to your parents if that would help.
2017-05-29 6:30 am
Surely your mother already knows about your extremely heavy periods.
You don't have to tell your mother you want pills -- you tell her that you want to see a doctor to discuss your painful and heavy periods. Your mother will make the appointment and you and your doctor will explore your options -- which may be pills, or something else.

(But no, you don't want to stop your periods. Birth control usually makes periods lighter and less painful -- though no guarantees.)
2017-05-29 8:36 am
Why do you have to approach your parents. You're old enough to go to a clinic or doctor and get it without telling them.

If they find out and ask you why you didn't tell, you say you thought they would freak out. That's on them.
2017-05-29 8:23 pm
Ask to see a GYN about them being so painful, my teacher in university back when i was in medical terminology (it was relivant) said when she was young her period was so painful and extreme her GYN suggested an IUD to make it a little easier. Ask about that too if birth control isn't a feasable solution.
2017-05-29 12:10 pm
NO doctor in the world will give you some pills ( whatever they are), for ' stop ' your period. Why?
It's because period for a woman is NECESSARY.

Don't have your period can be dangerous for you bones in the medium term and so, it would make you to have a illness in your bones called: Osteoporosis.
This illness normally appears to the women whom the period stops, usually after 50.
If you stop now ( as a young person) your period with pills, your organism will react as if you have menopause. Like if you are 50 or more.
Check out this:

Now birthcontrol pills, could make them less heavy but not ' stop ' them. Moreover like I said before, it's dangerous for your body and bones = would make your body become old before the natural age.
Just see your gynecologist and talk about your heavy period, maybe birth control can make them lighter, or another type of medication. OK?
DON'T play with your health, it is precious!!
2017-06-02 7:24 pm
You don't ask your family, you ask your doctor. here is a worldwide law about doctor-patient confidentiality so he cannot and will not tall your family about your treatment. he may prescribe birth control, or he may prescribe something deal with your symptom. My ex wife had an IUD from about 15 and she found it made he period lighter. Hormonal IUDs my stop periods altogether but I wouldn't expect that. the other thing about IUD is you'll never forget to use it and you family will never ever know (you will not be able to hide packets of pills for ever)
2017-06-01 4:24 am
Fake horrendous cramps and when you are sent to the doctor get a prescription.
Or go to family planning.
2017-05-31 10:26 pm
Duh talk to your mom. It's not that hard.
2017-05-29 11:28 am
it doesnt stop your period.. why dont you get educated first and then maybe ask them???
2017-05-29 5:00 am
Talk to your mother....simple.
2017-05-30 4:26 am
First of all, ask your mother to make an appointment with your doctor for you. You can't make an appointment yourself, because you are still a minor; and a doctor must have prior parental consent before he can even talk to a minor.
Your doctor can convince your parents to let you go on the birth control pill to control your heavy, painful periods. His medical recommendation will carry more weight with your parents that you could by trying to talk them into it yourself; and he can explain to them why it is necessary. You would be taking BC pills for a medical condition - not for the prevention of pregnancy (Although it WILL also prevent pregnancy - but that's not going to be the primary reason you are taking it).
Birth control pills will not 'stop' periods, but they will prevent heavy, painful periods.
參考: Experience; & BIL is an OB/GYN
2017-05-29 1:35 pm

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