How much is your electricity bill each month?

2017-05-27 6:02 pm
I'll be renting my own place soon and i'm gonna try not to use so much electricity at least until I get a job. I just want some examples on how much an electricity bill could cost depending on how much you use

回答 (7)

2017-05-27 6:29 pm
What makes the biggest difference is whether your electric bill includes HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning). In my Florida place, a July bill can run $125 or even more, and that's when I'm not there to use lights or open the fridge -- have to keep the temperature in the 2BR apartment down to 80F to dissuade mildew etc. In contrast, my electric bill here in Maine can be under $25 a month even when I AM here turning on the lights and plugging in my computer and using the TV and fridge. My heat then is coming from baseboard hot water run by an oil furnace -- a separate expense.
2017-05-27 6:19 pm
How about WHERE ?
How about what u renting ?
Studio apartment electricity costs 75$ mthly here
2017-05-29 10:15 pm
My house has been rigged for efficiency and Runs about $20/mo.
2017-05-28 3:16 pm
We live in a house.
I've replaced all household items with energy efficient LED bulbs, appliances, etc.

My Gas + Electric (for 2 of us) is $80/mo to 150/mo.


My friend in Alaska pays about $600/mo on average.
2017-05-28 6:58 am
Apartment size, appliances, windows, window coverings, insulation, and your lifestyle are the big variables. To minimize your consumption, turn your thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer. Buy efficient lights like LEDs. Keep and put back your old working incandescents and take your LEDs when you leave. Reduce the water heater temperature to 120F. Hang your clothes on a line to dry them especially in the summer if your dryer is in your apartment. When it's cold and dark outside, close your window coverings. I didn't answer your question but I talked an awful lot about it.
2017-05-28 5:18 am
Depends on where you live.
In California along the coast, my bill was $15/mo during the summer, $20/mo during the winter. Calif power costs is moderately expensive.
In the place I live now, summer and winter is $85/mo due to HVAC (summer is 3 months of 100°F temps). It's low because I keep the house at 83° when I'm gone and at 78° when home and in the winter I keep the house on the cool side which I like. Other people I know spend around $150 to $250/mo for AC.

To minimize your bill, reduce the parasitic power being consumed by chargers and gizmos. Put your chargers on a plug strip and turn the power off when not in use. If you have an electric water heater, lower the temp. I used to switch on my water heater 30 minutes before I needed it, and turned off the power when not needed. That saved $15/mo.
2017-05-27 6:04 pm

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