Why did my teacher check me out?I will answer yours if you answer mine.?

2017-05-26 10:15 am
Okay so this morning me and my friends were in a circle and we were talking. My anatomy teacher walks by and asks me and one of my friends if we are ready for the final and both of us said yes. I turned around and Incould feel him looking me up and down. This wasn't the first time it happened to me. Last year I was walking in the morning with my friend and I saw this one teacher and that teacher looked at me and checked me out. Then one of my other teachers checked me out in the beginning of the year. Why did my teachers check me out? Btw, all of them are married.

回答 (3)

2017-05-26 10:25 am
Well, it seems to me you want to believe they checked you out. It's doffoci;t to tell wihout more detalis.
2017-05-27 2:20 am
Our schools have a dress code, and teachers are responsible for making sure students aren't wearing things that are too short, too bare, etc. That may be what they were doing. Don't be so paranoid.
2017-05-26 7:48 pm
after you turned around? .. how could you tell they checked you out if you weren't even looking at them?

also keep in mind, how fast a student grows can be surprising to a teacher. so don't be certain you can always tell the difference between someone "checking you out" in an icky way and someone thinking "wait, is that _____, wasn't she 2 inches shorter like a month ago??"

although it is pretty creepy the way dress codes basically instruct teachers to scan students up and down to make sure they aren't breaking rules... so maybe that was it..

but yeah, maybe they are just being inappropriate. its hard to know for sure.

and... being married is pretty irrelevant. a creepy teacher who is gonna "check out" their students is already crossing boundaries, so being married won't be enough to stop them. its not like it would be more ok for an unmarried teacher to do this!

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