My dog that Ive had for so long randomely attacked me, why?

2017-05-26 6:27 am
I've had my Doberman since he was a puppy, I've always coddles him, and given him tons of attention. He has never hurt me, and has always been loving. Hes gotten all his shots, including his rabies shot. Last night I tried to hug him as usual, and he started growling, LOUD.MI figured maybe he had something he shouldn't,mbut he had nothing and he startd licking me and rolling over like he was sorry. I rub his belly, and then try to nestle into him, he barked loudly and Bit into my head. I punched him and shoved him off my bed refelxively and he slept on the couch. He whined at my door all night. Today (the next day) hes acting fine. I figured maybe it was me smelling like our other dog (we got her recently but he never seemed to mind her) but I have a feeling thats not it. This is very uncharacteristic of him. Whats wrong with him?

He is 2 and a half years old

回答 (4)

2017-05-26 6:35 am
You punched your dog???? This is animal abuse. 100% animal abuse.

Your dog needs to go to the vet. Sudden aggression is a sign of pain.

Growling is a signal that you need to leave him alone rather than try to spoon with him.

And you need to get serious therapy for your violence issues. I understand it hurt and you were angry, but punching is not an appropriate response whether dog or human. It's incredibly disturbing to me. Get help to control your rage.
2017-05-27 12:47 am
Question should be why are you allowing this poor behavior and not correcting immediately when caught in the act?

Lot of dogs don't like being coddled or hugged, perhaps he finally had enough, stop forcing yourself on him. You may have unintentionally hurt him, Tak him to a vet to rule out any possible medical issues.

Should have heeded the warning growl, corrected the growl and not forced yourself on him further.
2017-05-26 6:54 am
You don't say how old the dog is, but if he is over 7, health problems need to be suspected when there is a change in behavior. I would say that he needs to go to the vet for a check up. There are a few serious diseases that Dobermans can get so he needs to be checked out.
2017-05-26 7:44 am
It really sounds like he has something painful that you pressed against. I'd take him to the vet straight away. He obviously adores you and felt terrible for even growling at you, so I seriously doubt he'd bite you unless he was in pain. Please take him to the vet ASAP!

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