do you think Angels are real?

2017-05-25 10:07 pm

回答 (34)

2017-05-25 10:10 pm
As real as a Leprechaun.
2017-05-25 10:11 pm
2017-05-25 10:08 pm
2017-05-25 10:08 pm
No, of course not.
2017-05-26 3:17 pm
Of course I think that angels are real!
參考: I'm a proud and devout Christian
2017-05-26 7:02 am
religions evolve too

from animism to polytheism, polytheism to henotheism and henotheism to monotheism

angels are remnants of henotheism in which there is one main deity and several other lesser deities
2017-05-26 4:27 am
Angels appear in many biblical passages throughout the Bible.
Consider the winged creatures on the Ark of the Covenant the Jewish people carried with such vehemence.
2017-05-26 2:05 am
Yes, I do.
2017-05-25 10:12 pm
Bible says they are.
2017-05-25 10:21 pm
Yes, I have never seen one but people I trust say they have.
2017-05-27 4:02 am
Zadkiel. and of course the one that covereth.
2017-05-26 5:38 am
Yes, angels are real and very powerful. In the Bible they are called "sons of God." God used them as messengers in biblical times, and today God uses them to protect us to a certain extent.
2017-05-26 3:35 am
Yes angels exist. Demons exist( evil angels) too.
2017-05-26 2:40 am
Yes. Angels are sometimes termed spirits; that which is spirit is invisible and powerful. And they were created long before man’s appearance on the earth.
2017-05-26 12:10 am

I KNOW angels are real. I;ve experienced them and ther work.
2017-05-25 10:56 pm
Do you "THINK" "angels are "REAL" ? why do humans "HAVE" to ask the question . ? can people present one .. is one using the Religious word for angels

, one does know ALL words are invented by Humans

are dogs REAL ? are Cars REAL ? are Cows REAL ? are trees REAL ? so the word "REAL implies a Criteria ......for determination to qualify .

. what does SELF evident mean

now differentiate between an IDEA ( a product of human though ) a BELIEF ( an idea or opinion possibility events issues that are presented that someone accepts as TRUTH ) and a DELUSION

A Delusion a BELIEF that is strongly held despite superior evidence to the contrary ..( meaning one can prove or demonstrate what one accepts as true is FALSE ) as a pathology it is distinct from a BELIEF BASED on False or incomplete information ( indoctrination of an idea ) CONFABULATION, DOGMA, or Illusion or other aspects of perception..

addresses human gullibility & credulity THINK to have a conscious mind to some extent of REASONING, remembering experiences, making rational decisions, to employ ones mind rationally and OBJECTIVELY in evaluating and dealing with a situation or subject and to possibility .... answer not by the criteria for "REAL" i use . if angels meet the criteria for REAL then my dog car and phone are an illusion or a delusion
2017-05-25 10:23 pm
Only the ones from LA.
2017-05-25 10:45 pm
I don't really think that, no
2017-05-25 10:10 pm
I do.

Hells Angels.
Blue Angels.
Los Angeles Angels.
Angel Islington.

2017-05-25 10:23 pm
Yes, I do.
2017-05-27 10:05 am
They are only for schizophrenics !
2017-05-27 12:08 am
I know bat is real.
2017-05-26 9:58 pm
2017-05-26 9:20 pm
Yes and they help the Winchesters at times
2017-05-26 8:42 pm
Revelation 14:6
6 And I saw another angel flying in midheaven,* and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue* and people.+
2017-05-26 8:09 pm
Isaiah says 'Israel, my messenger is you.'
Angel means messenger of God. Israel is God's messenger/Angels.
Xtians mistranslated the Jewish TaNaKh, added hell and evil beings, and replaced Israel with a mangod whose name honors sus.
What else would Greeks write about but their god? God of Israel runs reality and guides our rational mind, and salvation is to wake up and not commit Armageddon because we are mortal. We are to return to the God of our youth when we delighted in God's kingdom.
Xtianity teaches Armageddon must happen to get saved from an imaginary hell - teaches the abomination of desolation to mortal man.
2017-05-26 3:25 pm
Without a doubt they are real........100%.
2017-05-26 10:09 am
Yes. Angels that those that are with or against God.

Fallen angels are those that are against God and are referred to as demons.

Angels that are still with God fight spiritual battles against the fallen angels. Below is a verse about angels.

Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation? MKJV

Satan is a fallen archangel while Gabriel and Michael are archangels for God.

Any questions or comments, leave a message.
2017-05-25 11:24 pm
no :3
2017-05-25 10:32 pm
2017-05-25 11:08 pm
2017-05-25 10:17 pm
Yes, most of them work in hospitals.
2017-05-26 12:04 am
Imagine that there is a BEING which is capable of creating an entire universe by simply WILLING it to exist.

Now, imagine that this Being wants to sit in a chair, so He/She/It wills a chair into existence.

Then, imagine that this Being wants a refrigerator full of cold beer. So, He/She/It wills that to exist.

And now this Being wants to TASTE a cold beer.

Why would this Being NEED or WANT to create a bunch of Helpers, so He/She/It could command one of them to "Go thou, and bringeth unto Me a beer!"

Most likely, the Tellers of Stories did what any good Teller of Stories will do: Include story elements which are familiar to the audience.

So, when they made up stories about the Ruler of the Universe, they knew that local tribal chiefs had some helpers. Regional Kings had dozens of helpers. Great Kings might have hundreds.
So, He/She/It would have uncounted thousands.

When you factor in the rumor that He/She/It loves HUMANS, and loves us INFINITELY, plus the rumor that He/She/It KNOWS the FUTURE, it gets RIDICULOUSLY complicated.

He/She/It always knew that one third of this ENORMOUS host of "helpers" would rebel and would inflict horrific damage and misery upon the humans.
And yet, He/She/It did not refrain from creating those Helpers.

This would indicate that He/She/It either does not exist, OR He/She/It is Infinitely Stupid.

If He/She/It does not exist, He/She/It did not create angels.
If He/She/It is not infinitely Stupid, He/She/It did not create angels.

So, two perfectly rational reasons to doubt the existence of angels.

Anybody have any testable, repeatable evidence of the existence of angels, don't just give me a thumbs down. Trot out the evidence, and let those who doubt, examine it.
2017-05-25 10:23 pm
They are fake, just like the rest of the "spiritual beings" religious people speak of. Don't be fooled!

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