Am I going to get into Stanford?

2017-05-25 10:05 am
13 AP classes: 3 in sophomore, 5 in junior, ALL 5's and 5 in senior,
I also took 8 honors classes: 4 during freshman, 2 in sophomore, 1 in junior and 1 in senior
took 8 summer college courses (multivariable calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, data structures and algorithms, probability for computer science, data mining, intro to machine learning, and computer vision)

GPA: 5.0

interned at Google and Facebook during junior year and senior
won 8 programming/hackathon (3rd, 2nd, and 1st)
created 12 android apps and 8 ios apps, owner of small business (profit off game apps)
president of math club and programming club

ACT: 35
SAT: 2400
Math 2: 800
Physics: 800
US History: 800
Chemistry: 800
Biology E/M: both 800
korean and mandarin (i speak both at home): 800
World history: 800

I already submitted my application but I'm nervous.

回答 (4)

2017-05-25 10:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
You certainly have the qualifications to get in - but so do most of the other applicants. Stanford can only admit a very small percentage of those who apply. Last year, less than 5% of applicants were accepted. Even most of those with the highest grades and test scores (and the other usual factors) had to be rejected.

You can the the grades and scores for last year's Stanford applicants, and what percent of those got in, here:
2017-05-25 1:56 pm
How can you already have applied? Stanford has already notified the students who have been accepted for the fall 2017 class and it's too early to apply for the fall 2018 class.
2017-05-25 12:53 pm
In a word - maybe. Look, the Ivies are always a crap shoot. I'd say if you were also a double amputee, lesbian, midget eskimo that it would be a definitive YES, but you're probably pretty normal, so it really depends on who you're up against and what else you have to offer because EVERYONE that's really hoping to go there are also among the best in their classes. What else do you have? and make sure that comes out clearly in your essay.
2017-05-25 10:09 am

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