Why does everyone make fun of me?

2017-05-25 8:32 am
I am 14 years old and I want to be a USAF Pararescueman aka PJ's. They are US Special Forces Medics. The training is severe, so I have been practicing for it, like physically working out. So just about an hour ago I was working on swimming because I suck at that. My mom was there as well, she was teaching me how to properly swim because I was never taught properly. When I start swimming the way I know how, she just starts laughing and even called me retarded at one point. My friends online think that I am just cringy when I talk about how I wanna do this. People at school just make fun of me, and call me weak.

回答 (6)

2017-05-25 8:59 am

People who do that are insecure. You will find a lot of people who do that in the world. Just chalk it up to their own low self-esteem. They put down others in an attempt to build themselves.

Please also see my expanded Yahoo Best Answer in the comments/below. It will give you a good overview and context. You will find the answer longer than most here, but it still will take just 5 minutes to read. .
2017-05-25 10:05 am
hmmmmmmm, thats wierd, since all special forces is army, including their medics

but you want to join the air force

so maybe you ought to go learn what PJ's are first
2017-05-26 12:10 pm
I know a guy handful of guys who dropped out of PJ school. It's nothing like what you think it is. It isn't easy. Lot's of BS and lots of hard training.

Oh and working out at home? That isn't sh*t. If you do get into PJ then get washed out during training, you'll end up in one of the dead end AFSCs. Services or air transportation. Depends on which one needs manning the day you drop out. Just letting you know
2017-05-25 11:37 pm
Ignore the detractors. They are more likely to be the ones who don't measure up.
2017-05-27 10:32 am
So your mom calls you a retard huh? wow. if that is what parents do, glad i was orphaned
2017-05-25 9:20 am
no problem wanting to live your dream, keep at it, do your best and ignoring those negative people will be good for your discipline.

I hope you get what your looking for.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:42:59
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