Help with drinking?

2017-05-25 2:27 am
So long story short, my friend is having a house party for his birthday and everyone is drinking, so I plan on drinking too but the only thing is if I get caught. I'm 16 and I'm not sure if my mum would be okay with it or not I'm only get a box of beer for it which is 10 bottles of bear. It's not my breath as I've disgusted out how to hide it the way I act and I sound a bit different so how can I bypass this cause I need to go home and my mum might be in as she's meant to be going out but I don't think she is so how will I hide this. The party is on from 12 noon to 11pm should I just drink early so I'll be sober before I go home. Please help.

回答 (4)

2017-05-25 3:31 am
All you can do is avoid her.

You may think you've disguised the smell, but you haven't. She will smell it.
2017-05-25 7:13 am
To be a naive teenager again...
What you're planning to do is not smart at all. You'll figure out why after you get caught...which will definitely happen.
I'm not going to tell you not to do it because you need a lesson in why you shouldn't do illegal things.
2017-05-25 2:30 am
Your going to smell like alcohol no matter what also don't drink then stop you'll feel like crap and just want to go home I'd suggest you do the smart thing and not drink or talk to ur mum about it
2017-05-25 2:41 am
just tell her your going to your room or study and not bother you and then go to sleep, when she come to check on you or something just pretend to be asleep or something

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