are you racist???

2017-05-25 1:35 am

回答 (76)

2017-05-25 1:39 am
參考: uneducated, white unemployed male Trump supporter
2017-05-25 1:37 am
I don't think so. I treat everyone the way I would expect to be treated. I guess I'm sexist though because I still open doors for women!
2017-05-25 5:29 am
No, i' am not a Christian. NO.
2017-05-25 5:08 am
No, I am anti racism
2017-05-25 5:12 am
No, I'm a white woman married to a white husband, but my lover is black!
2017-05-25 1:40 am
I don't know anymore. It seems that all you have to do these days is breathe to be called one.
2017-05-25 1:38 am
Only against loathsome creatures that carry out terrorist attacks. If that makes me racist, then yeah I am!
2017-05-25 1:37 am
No I'm not.
2017-05-25 1:55 am
Yes; I hate the human race.
2017-05-25 1:41 am
No I'm not.
2017-05-25 1:38 am
2017-05-25 1:35 am
2017-05-25 5:42 am
Everyone is deep down inside a little racist. If they say otherwise they are full of it.
2017-05-25 12:07 pm
2017-05-25 10:35 am
2017-05-25 5:16 am
Yes, I'm raisins. Wait a minute...
2017-05-25 1:59 am
No way.
2017-05-25 2:07 am
2017-05-25 1:54 am
2017-05-25 5:56 am
I think innately we all are, its part of the danger instincts that linger in us from our primitive ancestors, doesn't mean we can't overcome it a treat people as they deserve to be treated.

-White Dude that teaches budgeting and wealth building in the black community, and love my students.
2017-05-25 12:55 pm
2017-05-25 12:16 pm
2017-05-25 10:55 am
2017-05-25 8:20 am
only if you are....
2017-05-25 5:25 am
No, I hate everyone equally.
2017-05-25 2:15 am
No. I'm a culturist. I do not like people who dress and act a different culture to make a statement...I don't have time for that.
2017-05-25 1:51 am
2017-05-25 10:20 am
Yes. I dislike black folk.
2017-05-31 11:15 am
Not gonna lie I can be kind of racist We all can doe
2017-05-28 6:32 am
Everyone's a little bit racist.
Recognizing one's own biases and trying to minimize them is different than embracing and cultivating one's own racism though.
2017-05-27 8:26 am
I don't know. I don't FEEL racist, but one day within the last decade or so I woke up, and apparently everything and everyone in the entirety of the U.S. and A. was racist.
2017-05-27 4:29 am
I'm accepting of all races ... i just won't mingle with certain types nothing personal just have preferences like everyone else
2017-05-27 1:54 am
I think we all are to some degree
2017-05-26 9:33 pm
2017-05-26 9:44 am
No im not
2017-05-26 8:59 am
2017-05-26 8:10 am
2017-05-26 7:55 am
Only in the morning.
2017-05-26 5:27 am
2017-05-26 4:06 am
2017-05-25 11:49 pm
Never learned to be racist; no one taught me. I do see a little bit of that in my folks, though.
Wasn't passed down to me.
2017-05-25 8:55 pm
Nope. I don't even 100% understand racism honestly like just because you were born somewhere else/ your parents came from somewhere else doesn't make you any different. I mean literally you just look different and THATS IT. But in all honesty, i think everyone may judge someone based on their race. I live in a multi racial society and i admit, most of us do "judge" people immediately when they see them but not in a bad way. its something more like we know how they were probably raised and what kind of person that made them, and what will offend them and what won't.
2017-05-25 7:56 pm
2017-05-25 7:40 pm
2017-05-25 7:35 pm
Everyone is racist at some point if they say otherwise they're lying.
2017-05-25 7:34 pm
Are you trying to conceive us?
2017-05-25 7:29 pm
yes. im racist aginst white people. I'm an active member in black lives matter movement
2017-05-25 7:02 pm
No im part every race so I cant be.
2017-05-25 6:48 pm
2017-05-25 6:40 pm
yeah, to somalis
2017-05-25 6:02 pm
I feel it but I do my best to treat everyone equally. It probably deals more with my insecurities than my bad experiences with certain different races. We live our own life not just limited to stereotypes people believe about our race, so what we believe about others is not always the truth.
2017-05-25 6:01 pm
Yes, but only against a certain human race.
2017-05-25 5:32 pm
No, and if I were ever to be tempted I have only to look at some of the poisonous posts on YA to keep me on the straight and narrow.
2017-05-25 3:27 pm
TBH I think every Human being is racist in a way. I'm sure when you think of racism you think of a person judging someone for their color. Personally the only reason I think I may be racist is because I think a certain skin tone or race has different personalitys then other races.
2017-05-25 3:10 pm
2017-05-25 3:05 pm
2017-05-25 2:59 pm
No I dislike on an individual basis. Extended family has whites, blacks, mixed English as second languages and a few from the LBGT community. I've worked and lived in black and mixed neighborhoods for all of my adult life. Everyone starts out with respect, it's your actions that will grow or shrink it.
2017-05-25 2:01 pm
Not at all.My neighbors are of so many faiths but we share our hearts.
2017-05-25 1:10 pm
Half the people on this site are racist, but don't know it. It's sad. I am not hateful, and I try not to be racist as God loves all.
2017-05-25 1:00 pm
What's with the categiry
2017-05-25 12:53 pm
I'm not racist in any sense of the word.
2017-05-25 12:37 pm
NO! This is very unclear in general
2017-05-25 12:32 pm
2017-05-25 12:27 pm
no i'm not I love that fact that we look different I would hate it if we all looked the same How borin would that be
I don't know nor do I understand why people are prejudice Maybe its ignorance maybe they've been so sheltered all there life and are afraid of others that don't look the same as themselves or family members or friends. I know how childish this might sound but people don't eat the same exact food every day do they imagine if we did. NO instead we have got so many different varities of food to chose from BUT wait what happens if you have never tried a new food before and you wonder should I am I gonna hate it or like it and what if its the best thing ive ever tasted.............AND yet people are scared to death to allow themselves into diversity of color and physical differences of human beings who are just that human beings just like you just like me just like them. Pretty silly isn't you never get out of that box your stuck in so you'll never know
2017-05-25 10:12 am
No I'm not and I have never been one.
2017-05-25 9:06 am
I'm not. I hate everyone equally
2017-05-25 8:42 am
Burn in he'll you (insert racial epithet here).
2017-05-25 7:38 am
Well do you include having different political opinions to your own as racism like so many libtards and SJW's do these days. If so, then yes.
2017-05-25 3:10 am
Only when it concerns Muslims who kill innocent kids....
2017-05-25 1:53 pm
Sadly, yes. While I don't discriminate against others, I have occasionally caught myself thinking some of those ignorant stereotypes that have been ingrained since my childhood (like being surprised when the black guy in the back turns out to be one of my best students or assuming that a couple of Asian girls don't speak English when I stop for directions).
參考: I'm American. Its almost impossible to have grown up in the US without "accepting" some racial stereotypes.
2017-05-25 9:54 am
I always try never to be racist, but sometimes the right person can really get under your skin!
2017-05-25 9:39 am
Aren't we all.
2017-05-25 6:11 am
Yes. It's okay to be racist
2017-05-25 2:59 am
Not really
2017-05-25 3:37 am
Hell yeeaah
2017-05-25 2:03 am
I try not to be, but n!ggers make it difficult.

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