How can I surprise my parents with my new puppy?

2017-05-25 12:02 am

I am planning on buying a puppy and I want to surprise my parents with it, but I don't know how to do it.


PEOPLE this is MY puppy, it is not for my parents. I just wanted to surprise them with my puppy since I know they love the breed. I wasn't going to tell them that I was going to get it and just pop in one day with it. I am a grown woman with my own place and a successful career. Thank you.

回答 (11)

2017-05-25 11:56 am
Do you enjoy asking stupid questions? If it's your dog, why do you need help surprising other people?
2017-05-25 12:42 pm
You don't you selfish, immature child. You live in THEIR house and THEY are the ones that will have to pay to provide for this animal.

What idiot gave you a puppy in the first place?
2017-05-25 8:36 am
You dont. If you live with your parents, you bring NO animal home unless you have their permission
2017-05-25 2:35 am
You can tell them whenever you wish, however, you can't bring it into their home without permission from them. If they don't want the dog visiting you make other arrangements for the dog while you visit. Their house, their rules, respect their decision.
2017-05-25 12:06 am
Well if you do then make sure you've bought from a breeder who will take back as that's what you'll be doing.
2017-05-25 5:11 pm
Not a good idea!
You can surprise them by letting them know you would like to get a puppy for them but they should be the ones to choose their own pet. (Perhaps gift wrap a box with a photo of a dog inside.)
2017-05-25 4:37 am
Phew! The question scared me until I read the update. I imagined a 14 year old buying and puppy, and then coming home with it, as a special 'surprise' for her parents! Haha, can you imagine?
Now it makes sense though.
You could put him in a doggy tote or purse that looks like a regular bag, and go over there, and put the purse next to them while you 'for to the bathroom.' See you can find an angle where they can't see you to record, or leave your phone on record somewhere!

First they'll be confused, maybe even worried, and eventually they'll open it to see what the heck is going on and find a grand-puppy that they'll get to shower with love.
Would make an excellent online video too! Would be too cute.
2017-05-25 3:31 am
Why would it surprise them that you got a puppy?

Now if I got a puppy that would surprise EVERY one. I don't do puppies!

Did you get a well bred dog or one from a BYBer or Puppy Mill? There are warnings out about buying from either one of them.

If you have not got your puppy yet, please heed these warnings. Both are liars, scammers & will screw you just for the money. Selling sick & deformed pups, genetics are all screwed up. They do not genetic testing or use selective breeding tactics. They are breeding for money & are doing nothing to better the breed, in fact they ruin many breeds.

Be ware of who you buy from, get pup checked out by a Vet, get a wellness exam & get the pup started on its puppy shots. If the pup is younger than 8 weeks of age, you bought from a BYBer or Puppy Mill.
2017-05-25 1:08 am
A puppy isn't a present or surprise. It's a lifetime commitment. You need to feed, walk care for, pay vet bills and food bills for this being. So it's important to get your parents on board.
2017-05-25 12:19 am
Dont please,
You see dogs are individuals and not objects. Your parents Need to be informed. They also need to choose the dog that they will take on for life. Dogs shouldnt be given as surprise presents especially after the recent loss of another dog should that be the case
Though by all means buy them the dog of their choice and not yours.... take them to look at pups as the surprise... Then perhaps ask for their opinion on which they would most like to take home and why then offer to pay for it there and then... you see they also may not be ready to own another dog yet or may have never owned one at all, for all we know. the dog pictured below i still havrnt gotten over loosing, and he died over a half decade ago it took me 3 yrs to choose another.... Im a Shepherd i worked with dogs that belong to other family members it took three years til that special pup took my eye... and I relieved him from the military after the project he was bred for was binned... He has also become an excellent working Dog these days though he could never take the place of the dog pictured and will never be trained or expected to do so either.

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