What changes do I make to paycheck deductions while separated and divorcing?

2017-05-24 11:47 pm

回答 (5)

2017-05-25 9:02 am
Your W-4 does not have to match your tax return filing requirements. Right now, you probably don't know when the divorce will be final, but either way, it is obvious that your filing status for your tax return is either going to be "married, filing separately" or "single". This means you can file your W-4 with your employer as "single" to get the right taxes withheld from your paychecks.

Next, will you have any dependents you can claim or will it be just you? You can claim one exemption for just you and if you know you can claim any dependents, you can claim one exemption for each of them. If you aren't sure about dependents yet, then it is safer to claim one exemption so that you won't owe more taxes.

So, I recommend changing your W-4 to single with 1 exemption.
2017-05-25 4:10 am
when the divorce is final you submit a new W-4 as single
2017-05-24 11:55 pm
Change your status to single
2017-05-24 11:48 pm
change from married to single & lower your exemptions.
2017-05-24 11:57 pm
NONE, until the divorce goes final.

For tax prposes, your"marriage status" is that which you are oin December 31 of the previous years.

For example, if youi separate on September 6, but your divorce goes final on Janury 15, you are LEGALLY MARRIED on December 31, and this is the staus you put on our 1040.

On the other hand, if you separate on September 6, and the divorce goes final on December 22, the you are DIVORCED on December 31, and this is the status you use on yoru 1040.

You can changeyour W-4 Form (your tax deductions) with your employer at any time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:28:41
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