Best way to save money?

2017-05-24 10:27 pm
It like to save up to get a sport bike, and I make enough a month to save for it, it's just the saving problem I have trouble with. I always end up seeing something I want and then dropping cash on it. What are your best ways of saving money? And what do you suggest I do to basically force myself to save? Thanks for any and all help!

回答 (9)

2017-05-25 2:08 am
Self control is always a good starting point. If you need to develop it, here are a few ground rules I suggest:

1. Create a budget that includes money you save and money you spend. It's ok to spend money, but there should be a limit to how much you can spend every month (particularly if you're trying to save).

2. Stop using your credit/debit cards. Studies have shown that watching cash leave your wallet helps curb impulse spending.

3. If necessary, put your savings aside into a separate account/savings place. Pretend you don't have access to that money. Forget it exists.

4. Employ what I call a "dollar per turn" rule. For example, say you're out shopping and you see a $20 t-shirt you like. Unless you plan to wear that t-shirt at least 20 times (one time for every dollar you spend), don't bother buying it. $150 sneakers? Better commit to them for 150 days at a minimum.

5. When all else fails, stop tempting yourself. Don't go shopping. Stop visiting Amazon. No store, no spending.
2017-05-25 1:29 am
leave your money at home, don't carry more than you actually need when you go out
2017-05-24 11:32 pm
Set your priorities. You have to pay your savings account before you use your fun money. You will need to do this when you start paying rent and electric bills and car payments. I used to pay myself my walking around money each week and if I ran out of money, I just simply stayed home until my next "payday".
2017-05-24 10:40 pm
Sorry, there's no trick or gimmick when it comes to saving that is strong enough to overcome someone's lack of willpower. While I can suggest things like putting yourself on a budget, or opening a bank account and paying a certain amount into it each month as if it were a bill, the reality is that until getting that bike becomes more important to you than the ability to make impulse purchases, nothing is going to work.
2017-05-25 10:14 am
Better method to save is , when you receive salary, immediately deposit 10 or 15% in your Bank account and spend the balance. Do Not try to send and save.
2017-05-25 7:59 am
pay yourself first, have a chunk of your pay put into a savings account that is not convenient to get to, with no ATM or debit card
2017-05-25 5:54 am
Self discipline
2017-05-24 10:44 pm
Spend less then what you save. Plan, strategic resources gather, and execute.
2017-05-24 10:40 pm
Don't bring your money with you then you can't buy anything. Or, when you get that urge to buy something to feel better go to a garage sale or a thrift store.
2017-05-25 10:01 pm
If you have a friend or relative that you trust, give them a set amount every payday, or whenever, to hold for you. Encourage them to not give you any funds even if you beg them, lol. Forget it exists until you have enough saved to buy the bike.

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