Why is my mixers send output so quiet?

2017-05-24 2:56 am
I have got a yamaha MG10/2 mixer which i am trying to use a microphone in. The problem is that when i try to add an effect using the AUX send and AUX return, the effected signal is incredibly quiet. I am using normal effects pedals for guitar to do this. I can hear the effected signal, but it is almost inaudible. Am i doing something wrong? I am new to using mixers so i have likely made a silly mistake. Thanks.

回答 (5)

2017-05-24 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is a gain control next to the meter for "Return" level. Do you have that full up?
Do you have the cables/plugs wired as required to suit the equipment at both ends?

Try putting a cable directly from effects send to effects return(L) - if you can get full level then, the problem is somewhere in the pedals or the connections between them.

If the level is bad with just that cable, either the cable or mixer is faulty..
2017-05-24 6:01 am










2017-05-24 8:59 pm
Another thing to try is do not use the AUX return...plug the output of the pedal directly to to the 1/4 inch LINE input on any spare input channel. Adjust the GAIN knob up until you are getting plenty of signal from the pedal. Then turn up the LEVEL knob on that channel until you hear the effect. That will work and should give you plenty of effects on your mic.
2017-05-24 3:21 am
Check to see if your AUX loop has a separate channel fader. It might be turned down a bit too much.
2017-05-24 2:58 am
Without knowing the first things about what YOU own, and how you have connected it, I would say that it is either a mike power issue (battery? Phantom power/ What?) or a pre-amp issue. Or just plain LEVEL. I am hardly an expert in THIS area, but know enough to make MY equipment work well.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:26:17
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