How do you take oil stains out of silk?

2017-05-23 8:44 pm

回答 (5)

2017-05-23 8:52 pm
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read the above... however depending on what type of oil and what type of silk and how long the stain has been there well it will be a gamble IF you can remove it... BUT the other option of course is go to a professional dry cleaner tell them what the stain is and let them try with most likely a better result
2017-05-23 8:45 pm
Is that a euphemism?
2017-05-23 8:48 pm
A good pair of scissors should do the trick
2017-05-23 9:25 pm
Try putting shampoo on the oil and soaking the item in water. I used to wash my silk blouses in shampoo and rinse them in conditioner.
2017-05-23 8:50 pm
You can't.

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