How do you save money? Do you use any websites to help you save money?

2017-05-22 11:24 pm

回答 (5)

2017-05-23 2:13 am
I'm British, you obviously aren't, but this is my way. tells me if I can get my electricity cheaper (it does that for gas as well but I don't have gas). Last year it pointed me towards a company that saved me £11 per month.

And that's about it, apart from telling me what savings accounts pay the most interest.
2017-05-23 1:12 am
I maintain (and stick to) a household budget. That budget includes savings. I use a financial tracker (Mint) to keep an eye on my spending. If I need to see more, that tracker shows me where I can trim the fat. Knowing where my money goes helps me keep my account moving in the right direction.
2017-05-22 11:25 pm
by not spending it
2017-05-25 4:21 am
The single best thing isn't a website, its a spreadsheet. Set out your finances on a spreadsheet, your assets, liabilities - calculate your net worth. Set financial goals, think about the appropriate investments to met those goals and how much you'll have to allocate to get to those goals. I can't tell you how much it helped me keep focused on my goals, and making that Net Worth number go up by doing that.
2017-05-23 4:55 am
the internet might inform you of programs the gov't has or private companies to save you on your utilities, but other than that there are probably none that can save you money
that has to be some kind of mechanism you use to sort out your money, some people use mason jars and label each one with the expense that needs to be paid, some use envelopes, etc
everyone has their own way, and one of them is staying out of stores, and another don't watch the programs that are there to sell goods that you don't need
2017-05-22 11:35 pm
set aside some cash from your paycheck into a savings or growth account. Act like you don't have access to the money.

participate in a 401K program.
2017-05-22 11:26 pm
Websites help you spend money. Just do not spend it
2017-05-23 12:50 am
Put in the bank and leave it there
Never saw a web site that helps you save money, they ar all designed to make you spend money

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