Should Donald Trump be impeached?

2017-05-22 10:56 am

He asked Comey to drop his investigation of Flynn. I mean I don't know if the Russia stuff is true but he needs to allow an investigation.

回答 (22)

2017-05-22 10:57 am
Getting tired of this question.
2017-05-22 8:05 pm
Maybe . IF he does something wrong .
2017-05-22 11:08 am
NO. Though Liberals have been TRYING HARD to find anything that would make him more Corrupt then HILLARY. And its just NOT Happening. Like CNN does regularly they string you guys along everyday hoping you keep the hatred going. JIMMY FALLON was taken to task for not saying more negative things about TRUMP. Which just proves how Nasty, Arrogant, Childish and immoral they truly are.
2017-05-22 10:57 am
The specific charge and statue that would call for this please.
2017-05-22 2:43 pm
impeached then shot for treson
2017-05-22 11:04 am
There is very disturbing evidence of impeachable misdeeds, i.e. 'high crimes and misdemeanors'. There are websites with whole lists of them--collusion in Russian hacking, hiring known foreign agents, self-enrichment, 'emoluments', nepotism, quite a number of things.

If it was anyone but The President, many of these would go to a grand jury to see if there was enough evidence for a trial and then bring an indictment against him. But if it's The President, that's the job of Congress, to investigate and then bring impeachment proceedings if there was sufficient evidence. In fact, impeachment in the House is equivalent to an indictment.

Republicans argue against investigation, they say because 'nothing has been proven'. But that's the PURPOSE of the investigation!

IOW, like anyone accused of a crime with -some- evidence, he should be given a fair trial and if he's found guilty he should face the appropriate punishment.
2017-05-22 12:21 pm
2017-05-22 12:13 pm
FOR...WHAT? In BOTH your "reasons" are not proved at this time. The accusation of obstruction is VERY weak at this time because it can't be proven yet that it was to the level of an order and not just a whimsical wish as the text of what was supposedly said implies. How does THIS rise to the level of impeachment?!

You yourself, say you don't know if the "Russian stuff" is true and should be investigated....but yet Trump should be impeached for it?!! Think about that!
2017-05-22 11:42 am
2017-05-22 11:10 am
2017-05-22 8:04 pm
how many times is this question going to be repeated??
2017-05-22 7:53 pm
your compass is screwed up,differences there are in 'news',commentary betw europe and here,merkel is termed 'conservative' by the euro press,(not one radio or tv transmission facility is privately owned) all are licenced by the state
america has talk am radio, europe has no such thing,so,europers never hear anything but what state owned presses tell them.and fcc rules here allow syndication of talk guys,meaning many millions can and do hear them,and TUNE IN EVERY DAY LIKE YOU OUGHT TO
in american conservative view,merkel is a statist,a leftist a no borderist,a fuckyouist to the people she ought to be governing not RULING,
2017-05-22 7:46 pm
Only if he commits an impeachable offense.
2017-05-22 12:03 pm
2017-05-22 11:55 am
For what???
2017-05-22 10:58 am
Please try
2017-05-23 1:51 pm
I wouldn't be surprised. Extremist people who cause physical harm on innocent people whether they're asian, black, white, middle eastern, hispanic, gay, religious fanatics, should be tortured, no trial, no mercy!
2017-05-23 7:11 am
why not, lets have fun
2017-05-23 2:50 am
2017-05-22 11:29 pm
Not before you take a civics class to learn how a president is impeached. Hint: you CANNOT impeach a president because you didn't like the outcome of an election.
2017-05-22 7:24 pm
he might smell better if he is implumbs.
2017-05-22 2:45 pm
You would need a Democrat lead house and senate, none of which you can have untill at least another 18 months

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