Wedding dress shopping?

2017-05-22 3:12 am
My wedding is in 7 months and I'm so happy to go dress shopping now, but the downfall is is that I keep losing weight and if the dress that I order now fits me too big afterwards I don't know what should I do. Should I wait sometime to order my dress or what should I do? I have lost 26lbs so far and I don't know if I will keep losing more weight before my wedding day. Thank you for your opinions :)

回答 (8)

2017-05-22 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Speak to the seamstress BEFORE you order your dress.
They will help decide the size to order, and what will be necessary to alter it properly.
2017-05-22 4:06 am
One of the biggest mistakes when buying a wedding dress, is buying a dress too small in hopes that you lose weight. Most people get stuck with a dress that doesn't fit when doing that because they stop losing weight or gaining it all back and then some.

I suggest you buy a dress that fits you now so there will be room for some alterations if needed.
2017-05-22 3:34 am
It could be bought now, and hold off on the final fitting.
2017-05-22 7:17 am
Don't order online. TALK with the sales people and the seamstress at the stores. Most wedding dresses can be taken in a full dress size. Some styles are easier and cheaper to alter than others. If you find a dress you like, ASK about the lead time to have the dress made and the last date on which you can make your order and still have it two full weeks before the wedding. Then go back to the store at that time and order the size you think will work best.
2017-05-22 6:54 am
You should order it now, remember there will be more than one fitting & if you wait too late, you wont be able to get it altered in time for the wedding. Also, once you reach your target weight, you can halt losing weight by eating enough calories to maintain that weight. If youre at your target weight maintain it by eating the same amount of foods youre eating now.
2017-05-22 3:26 am
Tell your dressmaker. They will give sound advice
2017-05-22 3:14 am
2017-05-24 4:13 am
When you do go shopping talk to your stylist and let her know your concern. She will have the perfect solution.

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