A little leagues baseball game was cancelled today out of spite and personal opinions. What should be done?

2017-05-20 10:29 pm

回答 (4)

2017-05-20 10:35 pm
thats what happens when ‘adults’ stick their nose in it
the kids just want to play and don’t give a **** about the politics
2017-05-20 10:32 pm
Find a different league where the adults behave better.
2017-05-21 2:10 am
Just ignore the adults, some of that generation have no knowledge of how to act in public, they're very selfish, ignorant and greedy.
2017-05-20 10:37 pm
Play on the field anyway. It's little League, who cares

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:41:54
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