I think I can't have babies?

2017-05-18 12:17 pm
I'm 15, and have had unprotected sex with my boyfriend many times. There was one time where I thought I was pregnant, but luckily I wasn't. No I'm not trying to have a baby at a young age but I'm worried that I won't be able to reproduce in the future.

回答 (8)

2017-05-18 12:41 pm
You're having UNPROTECTED sex. Of course you're trying to get pregnant. Even if you won't admit it
2017-05-18 3:28 pm
You're playing Russian roulette. You've been lucky so far, but that luck WILL run out. Just because you've dodged the bullet so far doesn't mean you won't blow your brains out next time.

If you're not trying to have a baby at a young age, what are you trying to do? Have an abortion at a young age? Because if you keep it up, those will be your only options. Have an abortion or give birth.
2017-05-18 5:27 pm
15 and a slapper already, some life you are going to have
2017-05-19 12:37 am
Maybe your boyfriend can't produce sperm. Did you ever think of that possibility?
The most likely reason you haven't gotten pregnant is just because you've been lucky so far. Keep on having unprotected sex, and your luck's going to run out.
2017-05-18 11:00 pm
You say you aren't trying for a baby, yet you have unprotected sex? Come on..
This will truly make your life extremely hard if you continue your actions.
Im sure you can get pregnant.
A healthy couple having sex on all of the right days (because you can only get pregnant a few days in the month, its called ovulating, google it) only has a 25% chance.

I am 100% sure if you get your period you will have babies, but now is not the time to be thinking about this or taking the risks you are taking!
You need to get on birth control or start wearing condoms. STDs are no joke and they CAN cause you to be infertile no matter how much you trust your boyfriend, and know he isn't cheating, he is young, and young men do stupid things.
Get on birth control, you are 15, and you will continue to go on to have children. And even if you do have fertility problems(which I am 100% certain that you most likely do NOT) there are plenty of interventions to get you pregnant. Stop worrying about this and worry about school and trying to turn into a decent human being.
Be responsible. You have just been lucky thus far, but if you continue, you will get pregnant.
Grow up, get on birth control.
Would you rather tell your parents you want birth control or that you are going to be a teenage mother?
2017-05-18 1:21 pm
It can take healthy couples trying for a baby a year to conceive. There is a chance of pregrnancy every time you have sex but over a population is takes some fertile couples once and others hundreds of times. Whilst you can t be certain until you and your partner become pregnant that both of you are fertile, its most likely that you are and that you ve simply been lucky so far.

Therefore, you should start using protection immediately since you state you re not trying to have a baby!!! That can wait until after you re an adult and ideally in a committed relationship, completed your education, financially stable and ready to be a parent. If you are still concerned about your fertility, you should go see your doctor who can run tests to check. At the same time, please discuss birth control with them since it is very likely you are simply a lucky girl at the moment and you need to be using protection until you are ready for a baby, many years in the future.
2017-05-19 1:54 am
You've just gotten lucky so far. Stop taking such foolish risks and USE PROTECTION. Worry about the state of fertility 10 or 15 years from now when you're actually old enough to raise a child.
2017-05-18 12:19 pm
you'd have to go to the doctor to find out for sure. but honestly i envy you, being infertile would be great. if you ever want kids, you can always adopt. there are always kids in need of families.

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