Does a serious personality sometimes get mixed up with meanness?

2017-05-18 10:14 am
I always say people confuse New Yorkers' serious personalities, because after all New Yorkers have their social life, baby showers, social events, things like that in nature more than other cities where it's more informal if you will, with meanness...

Some of the more racist "bro"-hating "Friends"-watching "Seinfeld"-watching white assholes and bitches are mean. You know your proud Yankee assholes, cause I'm Confederate. But I think New Yorkers are more serious in personality and that gets people confusing them with meanness. "Bro"-saying Rivera Nuyorican here. Of the real ghetto carefree type hahaha


I don't think there's right or wrong when it comes to being serious or carefree, although I'll admit maybe white NYers are more like that on average simply because white people in general tend to take the Judeo-Protestant work ethic extremely seriously. Whereas other races aren't into that as much lol

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2017-05-18 10:18 am
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Unfortunately yes just because someone is more humble.
參考: Sad reality

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