Why are there no sanctions on Saudi Arabia?

2017-05-18 4:02 am
Why are there no sanctions being put on Saudi Arabia by Europe or the US etc when Saudi Arabia breaches numerous human rights everyday? Furthermore, they have supported terrorism and likely still do.

回答 (8)

2017-05-18 9:22 pm
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Money talks, simple answer!

Makes me laugh how all the other Islamic states/countries are sanctioned except for a few i.e. Saudi, uae, Qatar, Kuwait, etc....

The US have business deals worth trillions in the above regions, US also has business deals/links to Osama Bin Laden group in Saudi.

Just wait till the Oil Reserves run dry then we shall know who is the true ally of the US.

Hint of the day - ARAMCO stands for Arabian American Oil
2017-05-20 12:31 am
no one supports terrorism here in saudiarabia.. get your facts straight hun..
2017-05-19 4:18 am
Yes, we are selling weapons to them for billions so they can kill more people in Yemen. They have no human rights. They fund terrorism in the form of wahabism. The U.N. must be paid off to let them get on the Human Rights Council. The U.S. and Britain make a lot of money from weapons and buy oil from the Saudis. Thats why nobody can bar them from doing business. It would affect the world economy.
2017-05-18 4:14 pm
I love it, wenn especially an US citizen complains about human rights in Saudi or the Islamic world in general. Why not cleaning the own stairwell before pointing the finger at others?
Saudi Arabia, as an Islamic country, signed the Islamic Cairo Human Rights Charter based on the Sharia and not the western UN version.
May some Human Rights are violated in Saudi, same smell in other not Islamic countries as well. Beside the fact, that some private persons in Saudi support terror groups, the Saudi Govt. doesn't. And again, dear USA, clean your stair well in the case also. Who supported Osama Bin Laden during the Cold War? Who financed the tunnels in Taliban areas? Who invaded Iraq for no reason? Who supports Israel going on with their illegal settlements on Palestinian grounds?
There is no valid reason to sanction Saudi in any way. Saudi is an ally in the fight against terrorism and a stable US/European partner in the Middle East. With or without oil.
2017-05-18 6:54 am
Because they supply oil
2017-05-18 5:07 am
Trump has business there is the simple answer. Being President for him is all about getting rich and helping your friends.
2017-05-18 4:41 am
Because, thanks to oil, Saudi Arabia has money. The economy's of Saudi Arabia and the west are so intertwined they will never do anything until we are no longer reliant of petroleum for fuel.
2017-05-18 4:03 am
no idea need points boss

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