Basically divorce would cost me 600$ week alimony. Would I still have to pay college for my sons?? Omg?

2017-05-18 1:44 am

回答 (4)

2017-05-18 5:39 pm
You mean you're getting your legal advice from random people on the internet instead of consulting a lawyer? Omg indeed.
2017-05-18 4:21 am
You want to divorce your wife. you DO NOT divorce your kids.

They are still YOUR responsibility (especially financially) and you DO have to pay for them, up until the age of 18, or 22 if the remain in an educational system. Depending on how smart a lawyer you have , you may ALSO be responsible for providing health insurance up to age 22.

You DO have a lawyer handling this, right? What kind of idiot goes inot a divorce court without a lawyer?
2017-05-18 2:33 am
You still have to pay for their college up to age 23.
2017-05-18 1:45 am
You would not "have" to pay for your sons' college tuition as your sons would be 18+ by the time they go to college. Child support only lasts until age 18. College has nothing to do with that.

As a parent, I'm sure you would WANT to help your sons with their tuition to the best of your ability, but it's not a requirement.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:33:23
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