Im scared this mole is skin cancer?

2017-05-17 6:34 pm
im not sure how long ive had this mole, but ive noticed it today and its bothering me, its on my lower leg area, just where my socks come up to its a bit discolored, being dark brown and then black, its a bit weird looking and my dad says to just leave it, but im worried, i dont wanna ask him again because he'll be mad, and im only 14, help

回答 (8)

2017-05-17 7:32 pm
But you are never scared enough to see a doctor about it anytime you continually post this nonsense over and over right? Grow up and stop being an idiot.
2017-05-18 4:53 am
You dont have skin cancer. -Beast
2017-05-18 2:16 am
Mostly likely NOT melanoma. You might want to google the ABCs of melanoma. You don't have even an A.
2017-05-17 7:50 pm
no it means there's a zombie apocalypse starting out there...
2017-05-17 7:47 pm
well it's not
2017-05-17 7:16 pm
2017-05-17 6:38 pm
Please see a doctor- it might be nothing but just to double check.
2017-05-17 6:37 pm
For your own peace of mind, go see a doctor.

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