poll: describe freedom in you own words?

2017-05-17 5:02 pm

回答 (5)

2017-05-18 12:48 am
To OBJECT ,,,, speech is ones greatest freedom ,,,,it starts with IDEAS , EVALUATION of those ideas Cause and effect and analysis of impact on persons you share the world with and ones level of human EMPATHY .

..take any law goes to TARGETING , if its targeting a certain group to restrict freedom one is writing it to get the writer PRIVILEGE or their group . if its applied to EVERYONE without prejudice its more likely to be fair ..my favorite word is to evaluate INTENT
2017-05-17 5:04 pm
The right to say NO.
2017-05-17 5:29 pm
2017-05-17 5:21 pm
Free to go anywhere you like.
2017-05-17 5:15 pm
free from any kind of bondage or slavery.. free to live the way you want too ....

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