Is North Korea a threat or a nuisance to us right now?

2017-05-17 11:23 am
North Korea has no missiles capable of hitting the U.S. mainland yet, but they could hit South Korea and Japan. They are lead by a lunatic that has nuclear weapons and threatens to use them on us and their enemies in the region. North Korea is also helping Iran get nuclear weapons ,and selling nuclear uranium to Iran the State Sponsor of Terrorism.

回答 (3)

2017-05-17 11:28 am
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Right now they are a nuisance, but that does not mean we should ignore them. They could become a threat if we don't keep our military presence close to them in South Korea and Japan and don't put missile defense shields in the region to shoot down their missiles.
2017-05-17 11:36 am
They are a threat. Their missiles could hit Alaska. If they continue they could get a nuke that can hit California.
2017-05-17 12:53 pm
Iran does not sponsor terrorism. They are Shia and the terrorists are Sunni like ISIS or al Quaeda supported by Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Even South Korea is not afraid of an attack from the north.

Kim Jong Un is not a lunatic. He is being provoked by the U.S. and the south, what else can he do? He would like end to sanctions, no more war maneuvers, and the ability to purchase goods. Iran may have provided DPRK with technology.

"Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact."

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 18:31:03
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