Where do people in NYC get gas?

2017-05-17 9:16 am

回答 (8)

2017-05-17 9:28 am
Gas station DUH
2017-05-17 9:19 am
Gas stations.
2017-05-17 4:39 pm
Wherever they may be after eating beans, curry, cruciferous vegetables or sources of sorbitol such as many fruits.

Parp! 💨💩🤢
2017-05-17 10:26 am
There are many gas stations in NYC
參考: 38 years in the auto business
2017-05-17 9:25 am
either a filling station or certain restaraunts
2017-05-17 9:25 am
Burrito street vendors.
2017-05-17 6:31 pm
2017-05-17 9:56 am
I think it is a good question, I guess they must have gas stations somewhere though being typical New Yorkers they won't say.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:38:29
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