Having Trouble Installing Reader Rabbit 1st Grade on my Windows 10, Please Help ?

2017-05-17 5:49 am
Ok i understand this is a children's learning game from the 90's so perhaps this is why im having issues as I'm assuming the CD Rom is no longer compatible with windows 10,

My mother was doing some cleaning and told me to install reader Rabbit 1st grade to my laptop so my little girl could start practicing whats up ahead for 1st Grade.

my little girl is in Kindergarten and is going to 1st grade next year so i figure why not give it a go.

I enjoyed it back then so the idea sounded cool to pass down.

If i am basically S.O.L Then my next question would be if anyone has any recommendations of what i can use to help my daughter learn new things for future studies/curriculum.

I had looked into ABC Mouse but the hubby doesn't like the idea that we have to pay $7.95 a month so That's outta the question sadly.

I grew up with reader Rabbit and Jump Start and that sure did help me back then but i suppose those are no longer compatible with Windows 10,

appreciate any inputs/Assistance!

回答 (2)

2017-05-17 6:08 am
(I can't help with your installation problem, but I just wanted to say our kids loved Reader Rabbit.)

Stray thought: It's pretty cheap to buy an older computer that works. Have you considered getting a desktop model operating an older Windows system so your daughter can use Reader Rabbit, and later do other things on it, under her parents' watchful eyes?
2017-05-17 7:36 am
It's not that the CD Rom isn't compatible, it's that the software isn't. A program from the 90s isn't going to run natively on Win 10. You're talking about a program that was written to run on Win 95/Win 98. You could try installing it in compatibility mode but I seriously doubt that will work. Best thing for you to do is you look for a program that is similar to this one but that is modern day enough to run on Win 10.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:29:48
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