A sample of nitrogen gas has 2.68 x 10^22 molecules measured at 87.0 degrees C and 0.620 atm. What is it's volume?

2017-05-16 5:58 am

2) An unknown gas has a density of 3.03 g/L at 97.2 kPa of pressure and 50.0 degrees C. What is the name of the gas?


3) How many millimeters of nitrogen gas would have to be collected at 99.19 kPa and 28.0 degrees C to have a sample containing 15.0 grams?


4) A sample of 1.25 x 10^24 molecules of hydrogen at 20.0 degrees C occupies a volume of 2500 mL. Under what pressure is this sample?

回答 (3)

2017-05-16 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
n / V = P / RT = (97.2 kPa) / ((8.3144621 L kPa/K mol) x (50.0 + 273.15) K) = 0.036177 mol/L

(3.03 g/L) / (0.036177 mol/L) = 83.75 g/mol

The gas with a molar mass like that is krypton, Kr.

[Now you see the trouble with multiple answers per question: Who gets Best Answer if we're both correct?]
2017-05-16 6:41 am
Gas law questions....

The question is worded a bit strangely. A sample of N2 will have the same number of molecules regardless of the temperature or pressure.

PV = nRT ............. ideal gas equation
V = nRT / P .......... solve for V
V = (2.68x10^22 molecules x (1 mol / 6.022x10^23 molecules) x 0.08206 Latm/molK x 360K / 0.630 atm
V = 2.09L .............. to three significant digits


PV = nRT .................... ideal gas equation
PV = mRT / M ............. n = m / M.... m=mass, M=molar mass
P = m/V (RT/M) ........... rearrange
P = DRT/M .................. D = m/V
M = DRT/P .................. solve for M (the molar mass)
M = 3.03g/L x 8.314 LkPa/molK x 323K / 97.2 kPa
M = 83.7 g/mol

The name of the gas is "unknown." There are no doubt lots of gases with molar masses at or near 83.7 g/mol, but if its an element, then go with Kr.


Use this equation: PV = mRT / M. Solve for volume, then convert to milliliters.


Use Avogadro's constant (6.022x10^23 mol⁻¹) to convert to moles of hydrogen. Then use the ideal gas equation (PV = nRT) to solve for pressure.
2017-05-16 6:02 am
A sample of nitrogen gas has 2.68 x 10^22 molecules measured at 87.0 degrees C and 0.620 atm. What is it's volume?
--- (2.68 x 10^22 / 6.022 x 10^23)(0.0821)(360)/0.620 <<< use a calculator .. answer will be liters

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