Britain has been a puppet controlled by America. This was clear in the Suez Crisis. Do you guys have any other points to prove this?

2017-05-15 7:37 pm

回答 (12)

2017-05-15 7:45 pm
Actually, Suez disproves your claim. The US was pretty upset when Britain (and France) decided to intervene in Suez in 1956.

Then there's the Vietnam war. If Britain was, as you suppose, controlled by the US, then she would've entered this war. Despite diplomatic pressure from the US, however, she declined to do so.
2017-05-18 2:37 pm
Anthony eden should have stood his Ground and kept the Suez the USA supported Muslims to get a Friend in the Middle east they needed the Oil

and the USA has never been our friend
2017-05-15 7:40 pm
Ha ha ha ha! Ho ho ho ho!

Britain most certainly is not an American puppet. We are America's good friends, but that doesn't make us puppets.
2017-05-17 4:34 am
YOU'RE the one making age-old cheap, dismissive accusations of being a "puppet". The ball is in your court to provide the proof. Your "clear proof" of this was an incident SIXTY-ONE YEARS AGO?!
2017-05-16 3:32 am
No need. Without the Empire UK was shown its place, naturally.
2017-05-16 1:10 am
The Suez Crisis does not prove Britain was, or is, a puppet of the U.S. Eisenhower chose not to become involved in the Suez Crisis - period. The reasons Eisenhower chose not to take part in the Suez Crisis are related to America's status with the Soviet Union. Many books were written on the subject. In 1954 the U.S. moved into Indo-China when France was kicked out of Vietnam. The Suez Crisis (1956) would have complicated the recent cessation of fighting in Korea (1953).
2017-05-15 9:39 pm
The cancellation of the Skybolt programme – which led to the end of the V-bomber – and the subsequent selling of Polaris (and later Trident) missile systems – which resulted in much higher profits.
2017-05-15 8:17 pm
Stockholm syndrome for the fake help in the 20th C
2017-05-15 7:40 pm
Everywheres under American control, they is the big evil super power everyone hates.
2017-05-15 8:14 pm
NOTHING was clear in the Suez crisis, and nothing much is clear to this day. it is said that at one point only six people in the country were informed what the governments actual intentions were, and the head of British Intelligence was not one of them. The senior British Officer in charge of land forces complained that his orders appeared to instruct him to both advance and retreat at the same time.

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