Are you pro- or anti-vaccine?

2017-05-15 9:27 am
I'm anti-.
"Bro"-hating "Friends"-watching white libs favor vaccines. For me, it's just a form of control, and I've known people like that in real life. Let them make it manditory and I swear I'll be the first "bro"-saying Rivera non-white leading a violent mob protest. I swear! All you "crazy"-sayers bring it. I'm ready for a showdown.

I knew someone who because their kid was "annoying" wanted to put them on ridilin. If someone murdered them I'd cheer them on! Heil Hitler. Screw vaccines.


I'd like someone to threaten with injection of any kind And I don't mean shots at hospitals. Those are good.


I am autistic and I'm proud to be. I've known some who are anti-autistic who favor this crap. I would proudly do all in my power to surpress the popularity of this crap. Plus I got famous people on Twitter following me. I say to the pro-vaccine types, bring it!


Yes but there's a lot of evil behind those in the pro-vaccine movement. Hint - mental hospitals


And some who have autistic people who prefer druggin their kid up because they're "annoying." I'd like someone to threaten me with that. Let's see what happens next, and I'm suggesting violence.

回答 (12)

2017-05-15 9:29 am
If vaccines weren't good, they wouldn't be popular. All popular things are good, dude. What's wrong with you??
2017-05-15 9:31 am
Get some facts first.

Vaccines are a way of stopping the spread of diseases, except the one you have.
2017-05-15 9:34 am
I am for vaccines, those who are against are misinformed.
2017-05-15 9:30 am
I am pro-vaccination because many horrible diseases that used to kill thousands of people in the past can now be prevented and no, vaccines don't cause autism if you were wondering.
2017-05-15 12:20 pm
You're right, screw vaccines. Lets live like it's 1860 and have everyone die at 50 and have kids die before age 1 of a cough. Lets have 10 year olds die of chicken pox, why not?

The vaccine-causing-autism thing was debunked YEARS ago, by the way, but ah, alas, you're allergic to anything remotely resembling a fact, aren't you?
2017-05-15 9:29 am
Anti measles and whooping cough
2017-05-15 9:28 am
Bros r America.
2017-05-15 9:28 am
2017-05-15 9:39 am
ANTI !!!!
2017-05-15 9:35 am
I support vaccines. I don't really wanna see the kids in my family get buried from a preventable disease and I certainly wouldn't want to put my kids in a coffin at 4 years old because I ******* didn't give them a shot.

If someone wants to sentence their kids to death, and spread an outbreak to murder every child without their vaccines in their entire town, that's none of my say; but I wouldn't sleep easy if I were them.
2017-05-15 11:44 am
Pro. Fuckflu shots though
2017-05-15 9:35 am
Ever since the public has been bombarded with vaccines the autism rate has shot up More and more vaccines and more and more autism.

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