Do you cancel life insurance if separated/divorced?

2017-05-14 11:07 pm

回答 (10)

2017-05-16 12:03 am
normally you change the beneficiary
2017-05-16 9:03 am
Most people switch thr benificiary
When I divorced I changed it to my Mom
Then when I got remarried I changed it back to my new wife
2017-05-15 3:32 am
You don't cancel, you change the beneficiary. When my (ex) wife started acting suspicious, I removed her and made my parents beneficiaries of my insurance and estate. I didn't want to be worth more dead than alive.
2017-05-14 11:12 pm
Assuming you are talking about paying the premium for someone else, it depends upon whom you are covering and your choices: if your beneficiary(s) are your children, that shouldn't change, because you have divorced or separated, at least and until someone else takes your place and covers them. If you are talking about a spouse, well, up to you. I would also check with your insurer to determine what they will allow.
2017-05-14 11:12 pm
That's a personal decision. There is no right/wrong answer. But it might be advised based upon other obligations.
2017-05-18 7:06 am
Just change the beneficiary. No need to cancel, unless you want to.
2017-05-15 11:53 pm
1. Will a divorce decree require life insurance on each parent with the other as beneficiary? This is common, even more common if there was one primary breadwinner, but only on that life.
2, If not, why not change the beneficiary rather than letting the policy go?
2017-05-15 1:20 pm
It would be a good idea to always keep life insurance on yourself -- just be careful of who the beneficiary is.
2017-05-15 12:56 am
Some do, some don't.
2017-05-15 12:22 am
This needs to be negotiated as part of the settlement. Talk to your lawyer. However you can not unilaterally drop someone form employer coverage unless fully settled divorce or during the open period.

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