請幫我翻譯英文 穿著婚紗懷抱夢想的女孩 有一個女孩,她懷抱著夢想,心中夢想越大 ,生長的花多就越繁茂,她喜歡赤腳走在草地上,克服一切的阻礙,她比任何人都堅強。愛能一瞬間改變這個世界,祝福那些追尋夢想的人。?

2017-05-13 7:21 pm

回答 (1)

2017-05-13 8:14 pm
A girl in the wedding gown embracing her dream.
There is a girl, who is embracing her dream. The bigger the dream she has in her heart, the more luxuriant the flowers grows. She loves to walk on the grassland with barefoot, overcoming all the obstacles in the world, she became tougher than anybody else. Love could instantly change the world, I will always wish people who are chasing their dreams the best.

Hope it helps :)

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 16:11:22
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